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Deathsave. Do You Do It ?


Jul 21, 2011
It isn't something that I tend to do (on my own games, never on someone else's). When you watch Bowen performing one it seems effortless. When I try it it is akin to trying to get a reluctant elephant into his pyjamas. It's a monumental effort.
Does anybody else perform deathsaves ? If so, what is your secret ?
My machines are so tightly packed in that I'd clatter back boxes if I attempted it!!
In my view it's illegal in competition so I'd feel a fraud if I did it and got a high score afterwards.
I don't care that it's illegal, only an idiot would do it in comps to try to cheat. To do it for fun is pretty cool looking, and that's what pinball is about, right, cool fun? Watch Craig @roadshow16 doing it on his instructional videos, may help. I've tried a few times but so far no success, I think having the right surface is key.
I don't care that it's illegal, only an idiot would do it in comps to try to cheat. To do it for fun is pretty cool looking, and that's what pinball is about, right, cool fun? Watch Craig @roadshow16 doing it on his instructional videos, may help. I've tried a few times but so far no success, I think having the right surface is key.
The surface is an interesting point. I bet the condition of the bottom of the leg levellers plays a part too.
Watching Bowen perform them the machine slides really easily.
I do it all the time on my Sterns, much harder on Williams/Bally, they're more solid and harder to move.
How easy the feet slide makes a big difference, with rubber feet on a tiled floor makes the movement jerky, with felt under the feet movement is very smooth, helps immensely.
Centre post on the Hobbit makes it a no go!
I do it on my Iron Man but not any other games. One because IM is a twat and deserves it and also because my game is quite easy to slide......I'm still not that good at it though. My action isn't smooth enough I think, it's more like I'm wrestling the game across the lounge :D
I do it on my Iron Man but not any other games. One because IM is a twat and deserves it
I laughed at this bit. I'd never heard of a death save before. To be honest i was just getting used to the odd nudge. This is something i will be trying! The video makes it look so easy. #pubrules
JP actually encourages death saves. There's a great animation that comes up if you pull it off. Think a couple of other DE games have a similar thing.
You can actually do it without hardly moving the machine. Just a double nudge really, right then left. It's all in the timing, just takes a bit of practice :thumbs:
You can actually do it without hardly moving the machine. Just a double nudge really, right then left. It's all in the timing, just takes a bit of practice :thumbs:
It's definitely about technique. Tried it again tonight and failed miserably. :(
Played a Wrestlemania on site last week. It was on a wooden floor and I found I could deathsave easily on it. I didn't even need to move the machine much at all. The tilt was so easy I wasn't even getting a warning. :)
So it looks like surface is the key issue, not necessarily technique.
Most of the people that I know through this hobby have a collection that's almost outgrown their room. So sliding a game is a no-no unless you like jamming your own fingers between two bits of wood :eek: smooth floor and felt pads will help just to make it easier on creating a small amount of sideways force. I've heard stories of players being blacklisted for such acts like this and 'hitting' or being 'too rough' with a machine at gatherings :-o
Played a Wrestlemania on site last week. It was on a wooden floor and I found I could deathsave easily on it. I didn't even need to move the machine much at all. The tilt was so easy I wasn't even getting a warning. :)
So it looks like surface is the key issue, not necessarily technique.
I play iron man on a laminated floor and theres no way i can death save it. I can't seem generate enough momentum through the drain lane. Maybe it's easier on some games too?
I play iron man on a laminated floor and theres no way i can death save it. I can't seem generate enough momentum through the drain lane. Maybe it's easier on some games too?
It supposed to be easier on games with a plastic apron.
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