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Trade Deadpool Premium


Site Supporter
10 Years
Aug 29, 2011
South Coast
I only unboxed this a couple of months ago. Loved playing it on location, but I’m not really clicking with it at home. I think this is a lesson for me that theme is somewhat important no matter how good it shoots.

I’m not desperate to get rid of it as I’m enjoying the odd game I play, but I’m not hitting start as much as I normally do on a new game so I’m open to switching it out for something else. I’ll take photos if there’s any serious interest, but it’s a stock Deadpool Premium from the recent batch with the insider kit from the factory. Very low plays.

Games I‘m potentially interested in - plus or minus cash, or for a temp trade - are:

- LZ Prem / LE
- TMNT Pro / Prem / LE
- Wonka LE
- Kiss Prem / LE
- Dialed In LE
- Indiana Jones (the good one)

Might also be interested in a couple of less expensive games given that I have room to spare if anyone is struggling for space - again plus or minus cash - such as: WH2O / BSD / BBH / NGG / FT / RCT / TSPP / RBION / Getaway HS2 / others?

Would also consider a temp trade only for games like JJP GNR, Beatles, AIQ Prem / LE, GOTG Prem / LE, Star Wars Prem / LE, BK:SOR Prem / LE.

Feel free to throw other suggestions at me, never hurts to try. Not looking to sell at the moment and may change my mind entirely If it suddenly clicks and I start playing it more.
Just went to play a few games of GZ and I’ve come back to five messages already. Thanks all - if I don’t respond this eve I’ll get back to you all tomorrow. Need to consider my options. If anyone else is interested do drop me a PM.
- Indiana Jones (the good one)

Haha, which one is the good one? When the Stern one came out in 2008 I knew a lot of people who said that they preferred the old 1993s Williams one...? I wonder if the time elapsed since then has altered that? IPDB still seems to suggest the old one is preferred. FWIW I loved the old one but have only ever played the newer one a few times.
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