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Daves reasons to quit the EU

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Jul 8, 2013
Tony Molloy
just thought i would post this so that Dave can let his anger monkeys out here, and let us know his position on the reasons to stay or leave the EU,
Let rip Dave, judging by your avatar you are not wanting to stay ???? let me know why please

are you saying the reasons to quit the EU are retarded ?
or asking the question ?

i am actualy genuinely interested having seen your avatar
Bloody foreigners with their strange ways. I used to enjoy a good old English game of hopscotch and then those weird foreign people brought their American culture to our shores and now it's pinballs as far as the eye can see..... What next? It will be decimalisation before we know it. My bloody groats don't even fit in those coin slots
Out, out, out. Trade with them. Marry them. Play football against them. But let's not be ruled by them

As an 18 year old in 1990 attending my first economics lecture i learnt that you can't have monetary union without political union. You need taxpayers in France or Germany or wherever to vote in favour of sending their money to support other nations. And that is not how they feel. Remember that despite the imf saying that greece needs debt write offs, all that is happening is that the existing debt just piles up

I was on a foreign exchange desk witnessing the chaos of the exchange rate mechanism in 1992 as a summer intern. When the pound collapsed, sweden had 500 per cent interest rates, uk mortgage rates were 15 per cent, the Danes has the good sense to vote no then won the European footy championship etc etc

The euro and the current ever closer union aspects of the eu are totally flawed. Thank god we are not in the euro right now. The greeks have essentially lost the sovereignty of their own country now. Contrast with iceland that defaulted on its debt in 2008 and is still a democratic country

The eu is a farce. Not in out national interest to be in it, especially the interests of the little people, the voters who actually pay their taxes, to be in it. The EU economies are going nowhere whilst the world economy around us is growing fast. These non eu countries actually do stuff like make steel, smelt aluminium when uk plants close down as the electricity and carbon taxes here are so high that it is no longer viable to produce these goods

I have never had the opportunity to express a vote on whether i want to be governed by angela merkel and a load of unelected foreign bureaucrats. After UK politicians of all colours lying to us, repeatedly, election after election, decade after decade, about getting a referendum, we might now finally get one

The ruling elite is trying frantically to defend the eu. It lines all their pockets. Our taxes fund eu propaganda about staying in. The uk government wants to breach the traditional purdah rules that apply in major votes like this so that the civil service can use our taxes promote the benefits of eu membership, the uk government tried to present a biased question in the referendum but faced a backbench rebellion so is now seemingly going to present a fair one

And yes, i am married to a foreigner. But that does not mean i want her nation's unelected representatives running my country and setting the majority of its laws

Vote pinball
Agreed. Whilst This is set to be a big talking point, it is also a big flashpoint too.

We are all happy people here (cue happy rainbow stuff) all here for the love of the game of the silver ball.

So - many apologies, however closing...
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