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Daventry 2019 Comp twitch feed?


10 Years
Jul 6, 2012

Was there a Daventry Pinfest 2019 comp feed?

Or even anyone have a video of players playing in the comp?

Just looking for a few seconds for Dan to add to his A level pinball film project

Thanks in advance

It was on Twitch but I had a look for it and I think the user who streamed it didn't keep the broadcasts. I'd have liked to look at it again
That'd be Pinball_LIVE on Twitch / @strobey . He's got sooo much great competition footage that needs making public. Come on Tim! Perfect lockdown project :D
I’d imagine if it isn’t held on someone else’s dime, that it’s probably not archived. 3 days of pinball with the quality that @strobey is running it at, you’d be into TB’s of Data.
Yes still got it... wish I did have lockdown time!

The twitch upload only lasts 90 days so Youtube the best option long term i think

Just a boot at the **** needed so consider that done! :-)

I'll have a look Wednesday

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