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Database issues - oops!!


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales

I was cleaning up some databases earlier this evening when i accidentally deleted one that i shouldn't have - the database behind this site. In my defence the db's were identical in name other than one letter, and i thought about it, deleted the one I thought it should have been, and then realised my mistake.

The guys at Vidahost (my hosts) have been great, and have restored my Database, however any posts made between 17:00 tonight and 23:59 have been lost (oh the benefits of backups tho!!)

Apologies again for the missing posts and any inconvenience it may have caused.


And no - I haven't had any beer tonight! ;)

Bad Paul, naughty Paul. Back to your corner.
Does that mean you won't have got the PM I sent you last night too?
Possibly.... tho i did have an email and replied to that one... tho you probably didnt see it... WAAAAAA !!!!

It's what happens when it's late, tired, and not concentrating as much as I should have been :(
No, I didn't get to see it before you nuked it. :boxing:
I am sure it was fully supportive of the idea of moving your MM to my house for a loan. Thanks Paul, your the best.
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