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Wanted Data East/Williams 7 digit display


Site Supporter
Aug 12, 2011
Looking for fully working 7 digit display as shown below, for Laser War.


Appears to be Data East part 001 7401 or Williams 542 I47481.

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The label is probably the serial number of the game it was originally fitted to, i.e. Data East game 001, Laser War, # 7401. The Williams number means Road Kings, Export (I) #47481. Obviously there weren't that many Road Kings built, but Williams seemed to run the numbers on between successive games.
Ah right, thanks for the info.

I have a Road Kings here going to someone else, maybe I should nick one !

Until then, still looking.....
Look what I just found


Impressive work ! :). Just had someone else in Germany say they 'may' have one too....

You up for sellin 'em then Dan? The non-alpha numeric would be useful too. but not essential if you'd rather keep. Cheers.
I'll take just the Alpha-numeric one please Dan, PM me your bank details or Paypal. Thanks.

Cheers all for help. Machine going to a new owner but staying here....!
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