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Expired Data East Star Wars

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This has some tales to tell...... in my lineup for ..... ages.
Bought from Wakefields finest Indi band "The Cribs" and collected from their sound studio in some secret location..... think I may have been drunk at the time. If I wasnt, I should have been.
All works as it should....fast and strong,, nice playfield and bright cabinet and backbox. The backbox has some paint chips commensurate with drumstick abuse. All shown in pics.
My preferred method of payment is cash on collection View, Play, Like, Pay......return home with treasure.

Private message any questions please. 2.8K takes it to its new appreciative permanent home. :)
when you see the artwork of this you realise the new Star Wars game isn't quite as bad as you think!
Think it is up to the seller what he wants for it and up to a buyer to decide if they are willing to pay that. If they aren't it will stay up for sale. Let's respect people's for sale posts.

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I can see your point of view and respect your opinion, but I wouldn't be writing this now..if it was advertised for 1.8.... for it would be gone......... and quickly flipped .
I rate this machine, and for me to replace it I would expect to pay according to condition,
Most have been hammered....... as you know. :rolleyes:
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I can see your point of view and respect your opinion, but I wouldn't be writing this now..if it was advertised for .8.... for it would be gone......... and quickly flipped .
I rate this machine, and for me to replace it I would expect to pay according to condition,
Most have been hammered....... as you know. :rolleyes:

You have every right to ask what you want and I can only wish you good luck with the sale.

I think it's ridiculous but that's just my opinion, and to be fair if Addams go for £4k then why not?

And if it turns out that £2.8k IS the new price point for this game and it sells then I think mine might be on the market immediately afterwards...... :rolleyes:
This has all been said for many machines over the years.......interesting from a fellow DESW owner.
I don't expect I could find one cheaper in this day and age...... but that's what I reckon for one that hasn't been hammered or heavily refurbished.......or find someone willing to part with a decent one........ is there any out there. i had difficulty finding the one I have many years back.
Time will tell, But if it doesn't sell it will slot back nicely into my lineup...... and no harm done to anyone......or maybe some have been harmed by this thread.? :hmm:
Hi Phil....... bets you love that machine and it's not for sale? Have people asked you at the shows would you sell and for how much.....And you've said..... No its . priceless cos I couldn't replace it ;)

I have ten machines to find good homes for over the winter.........all machines in my lineup Ihave a price I would accept..... you may not always like it. :thumbs:

Hi Monty,
Yep in Glasgow......and its raining again today.
No, Im not a dealer, or have a shop, ........just a long time enthusiast who has had a lot of fun out of the silver ball.
Now...... does anybody want to buy?
The flippers have been rebuilt. It's awesome now :rofl:

Only been asked if it's for sale once that I can remember.
Good one Phil........ big respect to you and your team at the events.....we all very much appreciate the commitment and hard work that goes into the prep and organisation involved.
Keep smiling :thumbs:
It's years since DESW stood in my workshop (AKA Hallway) This is a brightly lit area where all my pins have been tuned and set up before going into my line.
It does have presence. Standing at 8ft. With topper. In the arcades is was likened to have the dark charm of Voltar Speaks and fascinated young and old alike. IT'S GOOD and very very popular.
Someone once said it made the new 8K Star Wars look good..... well ...
This has classic charm mixed with the talent of early Borg. The artwork is in the style of the first animated Family Guy...... the vocals and sound are stereo thru the State of the art BSMT -2000 which bettered many of the manufacturers of the period. It's still remains impressive today.
I walk past it every day........it inspires me.......
First the sinisterly dark playfield......no no no no.......we go simple...... drag out a set of mirror blades and pop in the updated Chuck Rom and go from there.
Don't underestimate this game....... this will never be cheap. Not in my eyes anyway :)
Drove up to Scotland at the weekend and bought johns TAF new to pinball didn't really know if I was buying the right thing.after spending an hour with him and his wife and playing on some of his machines I realised I had bought a genuine as described TAF
What I'm trying to say is if he says the DESW is worth this amount then it will be.
By the way I didn't get to play DESW think he kept it hidden
Hi Gaz....... another memorable day on the tapestry of life.
I think your in trouble as you had that crazy passion and darting eye movement that generally tells you wont stop at one.
You were glowing and when you won the coin on SAFECRACKER..... buzzing that was the final nail, your destiny was set.
Two years searching.......maybe it will take as long for the next.
If my first pinball had been TAF....... I would have stopped right there :thumbs:
Gaz. Jedi mind tricks don't work on people that are pin owning veterans. Although does work well on padawan learning pin newbs.
Hello Rus.
We have never met yet you seem to be very bitter about something?
Can only be my punctuation, spelling, story of how I acquired the machine.
I like the history, it's part of the machines story. I enjoy meeting the people I buy from
And when passing on the machine where it's going. I've owned my machines for sometime they have given me good service and lots of enjoyment. ..... it's all good.
Feel free to PM me with any guidance as I'm new at this selling game. This is only my third sales thread....... can only improve from here.
Really? You got that from my post? Lmao.

I just like to poke fun at certain scenarios from time to time. No malice intended. :thumbs:
Never have understood the need ........... why not keep this thread to Sales Wanted Trade Only?
Some have no intention of buying but think they have the right to just join in the only way they know.....c'mon man....start your own thread if you think others would benefit .
These off-topic comments are non constructive...havent seen one yet that was...a bit of self moderation and consideration could benefit us all.
I love pinball:thumbs:
Calm down sugar t*ts. T'was just a joke.

I love pinball too. I'll stay on topic by offering my good luck wishes for your sale.

Edit out the endearment and lose the Gif and that would have been nice.... anybody ever say to you........ it's nice to be nice.......your jokes need work....spoken in a friendly manner.
Write something nice about pinball on your own thread for us all of to appreciate. Guarantee no one will snipe you there.
Have a good weekend........ Peace out.
You like my sugar t*ts comment but not 10 hours of die wanna wanga?

Its die wanna wanga FFS. Whats not to like? Here's a better version to sooth your needs.

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