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Found it! Data East/Sega head lock?


Site Supporter
Jun 8, 2015
Really stuck for the female locking part that goes in the head I believe Sega are the same, it's the female part that's in the backbox, the male is at the back of the cabinet.

Should be here in the middle bottom


Cheers Ronnie
I think I might have one spare.

I'm pretty sure the cabinet I got from Manny had one so I ended up with two.

Got a respite weekend coming up so time might be limited but if you can bear with me I should be able to confirm by the end of Sunday.

I thought that Marcos sold them but funnily enough it seems they only stock the rotating part and not the 'receiver' part which goes in the bottom of the cab.
I think I might have one spare.

I'm pretty sure the cabinet I got from Manny had one so I ended up with two.

Got a respite weekend coming up so time might be limited but if you can bear with me I should be able to confirm by the end of Sunday.

I thought that Marcos sold them but funnily enough it seems they only stock the rotating part and not the 'receiver' part which goes in the bottom of the cab.

Brilliant thanks, yes I found a few of the bottom bits but not the top, just let me know when you have time, not desperate at the moment.

Cheers Ronnie
You can have it for free - consider me as paying it forward. I've had loads of people on here help me out that wouldn't take payment so I'd like the chance to do the same.

PM me your address and I'll stick it in the post from work on Monday.
You can have it for free - consider me as paying it forward. I've had loads of people on here help me out that wouldn't take payment so I'd like the chance to do the same.

PM me your address and I'll stick it in the post from work on Monday.

That's brilliant, thanks very much, pm on way
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