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Dangerous thinking

I'm feeling kind of that way with the number of machines on my wants list that have turned up recently... Plus some new (to me) ones that look quite tasty... Oh god I'm infected...
Ever wake up and think ...I want a new machine ...almost dont care what, I have a few in mind, but I'll almost take anything (except STTNG :mad:)

Oh god ....it's a sickness o_O

I'd love to own a STTNG - just to work out why I always get crap scores whenever I play the damned thing :mad:. I need a bigger house.
Never thought "I just don't care what it is", I always go for one I specifically want for whatever personal reasons.
I sometimes wake up and think, twat-it! why did I have to wake up just before it got good...
Yes. This happens to me quite a lot. Also, when I decide upon a certain title that I want I get seriously obsessive about it and spend every waking moment trying to track one down! :cuckoo:
Always a nice feeling when you find one and get it home though. Then 2 days later it's on to another! It's half the fun for me though truth be told. I love the thrill of the chase. :D
Yes. This happens to me quite a lot. Also, when I decide upon a certain title that I want I get seriously obsessive about it and spend every waking moment trying to track one down! :cuckoo:
Always a nice feeling when you find one and get it home though. Then 2 days later it's on to another! It's half the fun for me though truth be told. I love the thrill of the chase. :D

Sometimes you assume ya aint gonna find one - know three peopel that happened to the last month!!
I love the thrill of the chase. :D
I think Fintan hit the nail on the head there. Whether it's finding an obscure System 80 (@TYHO), chasing a new title (@Fintan Stack) or committing to a project (@abaxas) it's often the journey that's way more exciting than the destination.

Personally, I love project pins. Mainly my hand is kinda forced because I can't afford most working pins, but I'm a tinkerer and fixer, and learning how stuff works, reading manuals and schematics, taking things apart, testing, fixing, upgrading, and putting it all back together working and improved just floats my boat.

I know at the moment I'm obsessing over the power supply in my latest project, GOLD BALL. I should be putting the time into completely PARAGON, but I just have to know if I can coax the ruddy thing back to life! I rebuilt the MPU in a week and now I want that PSU working properly so I can plug it all back together and watch all the pretty lights twinkle :)
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