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Wanted CV parts wanted for restore project


Jul 21, 2011
Hornchurch, Essex
Maybe I am mad but this is my Sleeper Project , I realised that I always seem to have had one of
these , and then last couple of years my efforts got diverted to other stuff. So now its time to start
the next project , No time limit , no budget limit , and will probably more a labour of love.

So the challenge. I got offered a badly damaged CV. In fact more accurately it's probably more like a
bag of bits from a CV. It's a water damaged machine with a lot of bits missing. So for instance no
back glass,, no boards, lots of mechs missing , flippers , coils etc, but I have a cab and a bad play
field that is partly populated, but they are badly damaged so need to be replaced. No problem as I
you can get a new playfield now.. I also luckily have potential donor machine which is a NBA
Fastbreak. So I Could rob bits from that to get the CV working as it has the boards and flippers etc .
Of course that's means a CV lives for a NBA to die, so not ideal but I was thinking , parts wise,
between the two I should be ok, except the CV is missing more key bits very specific to the machine
and without them it's not possible to restore.

So first of all, I need to source these bits and then I can fetch a CV back from the dead.

So I need help. I need the following:
Ringmaster mechanism, the main toy on the machine
Disappearing pop bumper mech – again a very specific to this machine
Back glass light box and all fittings! Although I think I can recreate this from NBA hardware.

I am sure there's other bits missing but most other stuff I think I can source?

Condition does not matter as I just want to get it all working and then will look to do it up.

Anyone got anything , just sitting there , waiting to be restored , repaired , rescued ? Or know of
someone who may have some bits, maybe somebody has has a spare play field with the bits I need. I am
willing to look at anything?

So come on , let's bring a machine back from the dead, can anyone help?
That's a start Chris, definitely up for all of them if I can get the rocking horse **** pieces as then the restore is a a go.
Great, definitely interested but need to get the hard to find machine specific toys. I think I will ask for help on pinside, never know who may be hoarding them somewhere!
Why not put a wanted ad over on pinside? Might get a bite? Is there a CV forum? If your serious might be worth a advert?
Yep found those guys on a search a few days ago and emailed direct. No reply yet. I seem to remember they had boxes of Williams stuff unopened. You never know
Mark came back with same answer unobtanium, pinside just ignored me. I think guys is a no hope job. So If anyone has a CV they may let go anytime let me know I back in the market for one.
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