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Complete Creature from the Dank Saloon **Finished** .. Full Pics!!

That is incredible , loving all the cable cover things that alone must of taken ages! Lots of great little details there :)
That is just something I could never achieve, I can barely put up a shelf I have no practical skills at all. My skills lie in the gift of the gab that is how I make my money. This is just epic, may I congratulate you on your dedication and love for this project a thing of absolute beauty.
Final ones of the guts:


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No tilt bob? That's cheating.

Just absolutely lovely. You must be pretty proud of yourself and hopefully I'll have a go one day. Great machine.
It looks stunning with that backdrop of your garden also👍

Was hoping someone would notice! Just been finished outside, the deck has been great this summer. Obviously not the final position for creech otherwise I would end up with Creature from the Bleached Lagoon in no time.

No tilt bob? That's cheating.

And I still can't hit super jackpot!
Just in case any further endorsements were required, Mrs Gonzo just glanced at the computer screen and said, "why don't yours look like that?".

When the dank version first arrived at the house, my wife took one look at it, shook her head and said it wasn't her thing at all. Slap on a few pink and ice blue LEDs on and now she thinks it's beautiful and gorgeous and that the colours are very her.

Great incentive to do refurbs!
I have @Sutol and his TWD to thank for that. Prismatic powder 👌

That powder has come out looking amazing Davey
Just looks like it could of come straight off the Le line.
Bet you had a major smile on your face when you picked it up and saw it for the first time.
You've done an excellent job on it :thumbs:
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That powder has come out looking amazing Martin.
Just looks like it could of come straight off the Le line.
Bet you had a major smile on your face when you picked it up and saw it for the first time.
You've done an excellent job on it :thumbs:

That place in Essex you recommended did an incredible job, and when everything came to 72 quid I was like - take my money!!

Oh and its Davey by the way mate - already far too many Martins around these parts haha
This looks stunning, I like the powder coating finish - I do not usually like green smooth powder coat so this looks amazing with the textured finish. Has to say it looks better than a CGC remake.

The ONLY thing I would suggest is proper stereo speakers and pinsound! The new versions of the sound are amazing. But hey - I am just picking here. I know some people do not like pinsound.....

Also where you have powder coated the 'solid' ramps - I really like that.

Fantastic work - I would rather own this than a NEW IN BOX game (not that one exists).

You have certainly set the bar very high on this one. You have gone further than 'original condition' restore - without going tacky.

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