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Cradle your balls or thrash 'em wildly ( during multiball! )

What are your tactics during multiball?

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Apr 11, 2013
Newport, South Wales
Kevin Donovan
Watching Bowen on the PAPA tutorial vids he is good enough to remain in control even during multiball, more often than not cradling 1 or 2 balls on a raised flipper while picking off the shots he wants to make with another ball. I can do this for a very short while but it all goes t**s up rapidly when the ball in play comes too close to the center drain so more often than not I usually end up thrashing wildly just trying to keep all balls in play. Any jackpots that are made are usually pure luck. So the question is do you just try your best to keep all balls in play pounding wildly on the flippers or do you keep calm and in control like the pro's.

Mods...please fix typo in the poll.
100% thrashing, almost no control whatsoever during multiball. i also spare totally at the flippers, a nun could come and flash her knockers at me standing next to the machine at DMD level, and i wouldn't even catch a glimpse of her areolae


  • gangsta baby, wazup.jpg
    gangsta baby, wazup.jpg
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Lol, I know what you mean Dan, it's lucky I can't keep my balls up long because I would get a stiff neck and tunnel vision from staring down at the flipper area if I did manage to keep them going.
Just to complicate things, for me it depends how many balls in the multiball. When it's 4 balls and above then I'll thrash wildly until I'm down to 3 or 2 and then attempt to go to more controlled play. If it starts out with 3 or 2 balls then controlled play from the start is the way to go for me.
I would describe myself as a controlled player, I try to get the ball back under control in pretty much every situation, including multiball. On DMD games I pretty much always try to cradle during multiball, on the older games I play more fast and loose in multiball but in single ball play try to gain even more control than on later games.
I would also say that just because you don't cradle the ball that much doesn't make you a bad player or not a pro player etc.....Just take a look at some of the videos of Andrei Massenkoff on some of the PAPA videos, he barely stops the ball, at any time, and he was the world champion
This was talked about on RGP ages ago, They did plenty of what was best , like shaking when the ball was in the pops to keep it in longer and the like.
The multiball one was more beneficial to thrash and keep the balls hitting stuff than a more controlled rate of play.
Go figure that.
I'm still pretty new so I try to cradle but end up flipping wildly when the ball I'm playing comes too close to draining or the flipper I'm cradling with.
I will cradle on CFTBL if I can get the ball on the left flipper, waiting to rescue the girl and use the right flipper to hit the multiplier. On TAF I try to get the center shot quickly and send the other walls around the ramps, no time for cradling. On IJ, when Well of Souls 6 ball multiball starts I just flip frantically. :D
I do a mix depending on game and shot requirement.

Cradling the balls can 'look' very pro if it works, but makes you look a right numpty when you try something fancy like nudging one off to the other flipper, make a hash of it and in the process drain some or all of the balls :oops:

I do play with some players who cradle a lot, and to be honest I'm not always convinced its worth the effort. Especially in games where there are multiples jackpot shots lit- hell just flail around you will almost certainly hit them.
Smash em,cradling just seems to mature.
The music,lighting and call outs are all tuned for madness and fun on every machine I have played and make me feel 15 again back in the old arcades......
Cradling is fine in single or double ball modes but makes a game to sedate for me.
Depends on game and mood I'm in plus if the game set-up lends itself to cradling or not... :D
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