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Could anyone with a Whirlwind help me with this?


Site Supporter
10 Years
Oct 7, 2012
Marlow on Thames, Bucks
I've just been doing some work on the underside of a Whirlwind playfield, and have come across a problem. The switch for the right hand spinner has a wire going from the back of it, about 4 inches long, and is connected to nothing.


Can anyone have a look and tell me where this yellow wire (it might not have been yellow originally) is meant to connect to? It presumably daisy chains to another switch, but which one?



  • wwswitch big.JPG
    wwswitch big.JPG
    190 KB · Views: 13
According to the Switch Matrix it should be joined to Column 6 Green/Blue, next switch along is the right ramp down.
Plain Yellow wire seemed to be usual on the Williams production line, for short-distance 'jumper' wires. In this case, the Green-blue wiring for Column 6 will be in the correct colour somewhere close*, with scraps of Yellow wire being deemed 'okay' for connecting a nearby switch (or switches). It's more often seen with slingshots or a bank of static targets - the main connection to the shared switch line will be on one target, and jumpered to all the others.

A special case is the Cousin It targets on Addams; they're all the same switch number, so only one of them is connected using the proper colours, the others are simply jumpered across. Because of this, up to three of them could be not working, without a Test Report being generated.

* Column 6 is switches 41 to 48, several of them are nearby, such as the eject hole, and the two targets at the foot of the right ramp, as well as Ramp Down. In fact, I spy Green-blue at the further away of the static targets, No. 47, 'NW'; perhaps Col. 6 was linked across to the spinner via the other static target
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Anything for a friend of Bella's.

Looks like middle lug of the red NE target to the right of the skyway toll ramp

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