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Found it! Congo jump ramp


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
new cross
John Whitfield
Hi Guys,

Picked up a Congo recently and just discovered that the short plastic "jump" ramp is missing. Any one have one for sale or know where I can pick one up. All my normal go to sources seem to be out of stock.

I've tracked down one US supplier but their website looks 2 years out of date. Another only sells it as part of the 3 ramps which isn't really what I want.

Pretty much anything considered. Not bothered if the ramp is a bit cracked etc as the machine isn't a minter. It's not actually crucial for play but I'd like to replace it.



I emailed the site this morning but I'm really not convinced it's up to date. Their home page is a couple of years out of date and their email link doesn't actually work. Fingers crossed they are still running.

Thanks for the heads up about Kevin, I'll drop him a line


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