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Wanted Cliffy's for DE Star Wars


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Sep 7, 2013
Lincoln, Uk
Mark Craven
Anyone know a stockist here or in Europe for the two cliffy's for Star Wars?

I know you can order direct with Cliffy but last time I got stung for import tax and it wasn't cheap in the first place.
As an aside I spoke to Cliffy via email the other day, as I was after an arcade scoop protector for Tron, and he seemed genuinely depressed by all of the copies there are going around. I originally sent him a link to a pinball.center product that claimed to be a Cliffys, but actually wasn't. He basically said that everyone was copying him now, including the likes of Stern, etc.

(sorry - that doesn't help you in your search)
I guess it was inevitable. I actually have a Tron scoop cliffy that I never got round to fitting, guess I ought to really. Also fitted the Cliffy switch protectors to Tron as the worse wear on mine was where the ball returns to the flippers.
Yup. He's a one man band making everything by hand and apparently has only just started looking at involving a factory to get stuff cranked out faster. He's got a ~2 month backlog at the moment apparently, though he has some stuff already in stock - perhaps its worth you speaking to him directly about the Star Wars protectors?

Was talking to him about patents and the like and he said that he's too late to patent them and didn't have the cash at the time to do it, the only thing the copies can't use is his "Cliffy" name.

Pinball Center have removed their fake Cliffys from their site, so i guess he's been in touch with them.
As said above, Pinball Heaven carry a large stock of Cliffy protectors.
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