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Found it! Cirqus Voltaire - Paying up to 7k.

Tell him Scott’s paying 7k so don’t expect a penny less 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Never put up what your will to pay because you’ll end up paying that or more
It says UP TO for a reason...

If they want 7k I'll judge whether or not its worth that valuation. The figure was put out to show them I'm serious on the purchase of a CV.
That's your opinion mate, not mine.
Personally I think you don’t need to show all your cards up front , if I had a cv and it was nice I’d be defo expecting 7k off you now at least whether ten minutes before seeing your advert I thought it was worth 6k … just my opinion but to me your setting yourself up to pay too much … then more than lightly you’ll want to refurb it and spend EVEN more money on it so personally I’d be want to keep the cards close to my chest to get it as cheap as possible , just my opinion of course
Personally I think you don’t need to show all your cards up front , if I had a cv and it was nice I’d be defo expecting 7k off you now at least whether ten minutes before seeing your advert I thought it was worth 6k … just my opinion but to me your setting yourself up to pay too much … then more than lightly you’ll want to refurb it and spend EVEN more money on it so personally I’d be want to keep the cards close to my chest to get it as cheap as possible , just my opinion of course
Your idea to 'nice' is subjective. I have my own idea of what 'nice' constitutes. Anyway my advert was for a CV, not a lesson in purchase tactics. Lets leave it here.
Interesting debate, like a lot of people I’m very keen on getting a stranger things prem or le , but feels like if I want one i’m going to have to slightly overpay to tempt current owners out of the shadows so to speak
thing is for stranger things either wait to the rumoured rerun next year ...or just stick a wanted advert up, the seller if they want to part are usually capable of pricing what they want for said game ....at that point the dance starts until you come to a deal that suits both parties
thing is for stranger things either wait to the rumoured rerun next year ...or just stick a wanted advert up, the seller if they want to part are usually capable of pricing what they want for said game ....at that point the dance starts until you come to a deal that suits both parties
didn’t realise there may be a ST rerun ?! thought it was definitely discontinued. Think I’ll stick an ad up in the next week or so anyway
Feel like I’m hijacking the cv thread so to try to be helpful Chris at the Pinball office recently had a cv available for sale
didn’t realise there may be a ST rerun ?! thought it was definitely discontinued. Think I’ll stick an ad up in the next week or so anyway
Feel like I’m hijacking the cv thread so to try to be helpful Chris at the Pinball office recently had a cv available for sale
No worries, Stranger Things is a great pin I had one and it's still the only game I regret selling. IF they are doing another run its worth waiting as prices went up a lot on the small number in the UK.

Chris B will be able to tell you exact numbers but the LE out numbers the Premium I believe and Pro's aren't plentiful.

Chris at the Pinball Office wants a trade over a direct sale and I went with a cash offer on mine (TWD) in the end.

I've had a few people contact me to say they know a few with the game so I'll just await their responses.
It’s all about timing Scott. Billy my neighbour sold my old one not that long ago for stupid money! I let him have it for 2.5 and ChrisB gave him well over what that pin is worth 4k 😝
I personally wouldn’t have it back for 4k and it was a really nice example but that’s what’s great about pinball each to their own 👍
you have just sold one of the all time greats and quite rare pin in TWD LE did you actually play it or for that matter have you actually played CV out of interest?
I bought a BM 66 LE a while back and immediately hated it and TBH didn’t give it enough time hence flooded it immediately.
This I now regret as I have recently bought another in Catwoman flavour and dam it’s bloody awesome what the hell one I thinking. Mistake made I can admit I was wrong and should never have let my LE with topper go.

However I’ve owned 3 CVs as they well pretty but that’s the problem for me it was lipstick on a pig, dress it up all you like but it’s still a pig underneath.
IMO I think you are being over generous on your 7k offer even on a super minty but that’s just one man’s opinion. All that said they probably see in excess of that anyway How Mad.
I got one offer. But we couldn't come to an agreement.

The other I was ready to buy, however seems to be stuck in limbo.

So the search continues.
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Look who joined the Cirqus.


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