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Check out the new artist in town.

I don't know what possessed me to sell it but I thought the time was right to let someone else enjoy it.
Don't know what I am going to use next time I need to spray something. ahem. I mean create another masterpiece.
It's a good job I have a few more partly done ones knocking about. It's just going to be a hard decision on which to use.
Oh the pressure of being a artist :cool:
that's just a load of pinball legs put on a bit of paper and spraypainted. it's ****.

24 carat crap.jpg

the one we are discussing here is sheer brilliance.

i can sense a third in the series being released shortly
I came on here just to see if anyone had made a post about that mysterious ebay listing, I thought it must be someone from here posting in response to something.

Very good. Very good.

(Ps I'm Newdos' son, you'll see me floating around at various events and snooping on here, HI!)
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Reactions: JT.
Hi Matt, I'm John who helped you and your Dad pack Fish Tales into your car at NERG (and met you down at the Slam in the pub). Good to see you here.

I offered the seller of the pinball art 20p for it... but has turned me down, shame.
Wow! Be careful, these artists are highly strung and get uppity if you say things like " that's crap" or "what a ****a"....
Manny has updated his listing.

If a messed up bed with booze bottles round it can reach 2.2M and a tin of baked beans that has had a blowtorch taken to it not by the artists hands can reach 100s of 1000s and a stack of baker bun trays on wheels fetch 13K then why the **** not!
I came on here just to see if anyone had made a post about that mysterious ebay listing, I thought it must be someone from here posting in response to something.

Very good. Very good.

(Ps I'm Newdos' son, you'll see me floating around at various events and snooping on here, HI!)

Ha think I met you at the slam
Added info due to online mockery.

This 'piece' is of profound importance to me or my artistic open minded side, as it was produced at a time I'm my life where 
I just simply wanted to die.

Those who have suffered from Severe Depression will empathise/understand. 
Those who haven't wont.

Once again the same person feels (after attacking my business name 
WoodTECH) he can mock and belittle everything as a human being I stand for.

Freedom to express myself,
Freedom to exercise my creative side, 
my perfectionist side, my humanitarian side.

This was produced at my darkest time during the most relentless bullying I've ever received, including 
death threats to stop restoring pinball machines from what I can only understand must be insecure 
people, jealous people, or simply people who just do not think before they act out.

I decided to turn out some stunning pinball restoration work which cost £10,000's of borrowed money. 
3 years on I think I proved it. Best of all I did it all with no money or should I say worst of all as the banks finished me. 
Soo much resentment is bestowed upon me because you think I'm loaded. I never have been and probably never will be.  
I produce top end products to those who can afford, nothing more. Why?  Because I'm good at it, exceptionally good!

Actions have no doubt been made to ridicule me once again with a bogus auction depicting this as being 
meaningless trash. with no thought of how juvenile their actions are. You just create your own sadness. 
Too most it is trash, To me it is significant. WoodTECH Workshop is so far the hardest 4 years I've ever had to get 
through due to this economy and the seemingly total lack of empathy by those 'with' and the jealousy from those 'without'.

I've said my peace, I have the right and freedom to charge what I like for 'anything' I produce. If you don't like it or cannot afford it you won't. Simple.

Best regards
WoodTECH Workshop
He is now ;-)
Manny has a history with the pinball community, It was actually kinda me that got him into this and he still blames me to this day :). Are you sitting comfortably? The I will begin....

He sold me his LOTR about 4yrs ago to start up WoodTech. He dropped it off to me and sitting in my front room was the IJ (W) that I had Dave Taxman refurb. It was and still is a beauty! When Manny saw the Indiana Jones he thought it was great, Manny is a self taught man, in respect of instead of paying somebody else to do it he would give it ago himself. He can do plumbing, electrics, plastering, make quite equsit furniture out of wood and turn crappy pinballs into Jems!

Pinballs aren't cheap and Manny did think that big toys like pinballs had owners with cash, my fault again with IJ, MM, AFM all sitting there in great shape and his LOTR which I paid £2800 for. Manny likes pinball, likes the way they look and like so many of us likes to tinker, mod and make his shine. He thought there was a business opportunity there.

Little did Manny know that the majority of the pinball community then were hobbyists, who acquired their machines in the golden age of pinballs where Operators were selling them cheap as they had made there money and were a tax write off and being swapped out for newer titles. Ah they were the days....

So when Manny first advertised his services he was met with criticism, why should we pay £600 for a Cabinet when the pin only cost me £300. after being described as a rip-off merchant and how could he charge so much for a job that is sooooo easy to do, he finally snapped. I don't agree with How Manny delt with the situation.

Manny described his work as the best and came off VERY arrogant, and challenged others to go and make what he did, which was in my opinion wrong. There are many talented people out there who can do what Manny does. Manny had OCD, A serious case. If something wasn't right being plaster not glass like finish or tile misaligned, or wood grain though a jet black decal he would work until it was. His finish and eye for detail are top grade.

His attention to detail is what got prices for pinballs that others said were ridiculous, £2800 for a HS2, £5800 for a MB, £3000 for a FH. This was a couple of years ago before prices really escalated. He was getting top dollar. But the base machines were not the £300-£1000 like in the good old days and the cost of parts, ramps etc were high and a coupled with business loans etc he soon found it was not as good a business. Plan he first thought!

Milk and biscuit break kiddies...
i have met Manny a couple of times and get on with him ok.
he does good restoration work but rubs some people up the wrong way, especially as he doesn't take any criticism. none at all. really.

he is most certainly unstable, i think he'd admit to that. if you read what he wrote in his updated auction here you can see that he has a few things going on that would keep a psychiatric convention busy for a weekend - some persecution complex mixed in with narcissistic traits i think, and mood swings that could be described as bipolar - so it's not surprising that he might react a bit strangely sometimes.

ah well. if you're reading this, Manny, i'm sorry. all modern art like that gets laughed at, and you often read about it being cleaned up by cleaners at the end of exhibitions by mistake. if that piece is so personal to you, you should keep it. as to the rest of us it looks like a sort of abortion. things like that you can release for the public when you are a famous artist, but when amateurs do it they get the reaction this one did. good luck dude.

gif kid-sticks-head-in-toilet-bowl.gif
Pinball collecting I have found can be full of envy, I've had people over who have seen my pins and made comments and even gone so far as to throw my pins about in such an aggressive manor as if to deliberately try to break something or split the cab! We have all seen the guys at shows and made comments on how they treat machines and if it was yours give them a kicking. Show some respect!

Manny's work is top grade, those who have bought from him will testify to that I'm sure and until we see a WoodTech, Taxman, Ball, Adams line up together in the same place then who knows who's finish is better, really depends on how the client wants there pins, factory looking or that extra smooth finish. HEP in USA seems to indicate that most of his clients want a glass like finish on there cabs!?

Mannys business plan was was and still is to make furniture, but with the places like IKEA and China and of course a recession top grade solid oak furniture is, except for the very well off on the back burner, so Manny continues to cabinets and refurbs and extras that compliment the pins.

Opening a business just before a HUGE recession IS tough. Woodtech has survived where MANY businesses have folded and that should be seen as an accomplishment. Manny is in no way rich, and is trying to pay off initial costs/loans that started his business and his massive over expenditure of base machines to restore.

I am Mannys friend and I will I first was like 'I'm not paying that much for this and that' but after doing an AFM refurb with him, 7 12hr days after the cabinet refurb of stripping polishing, scrubbing and replacing parts like playfield, plastics ramps targets etc I made £400 for 100hrs work. Some say it should be for the love of pinball. Then buy a ****ter and try and you will see how hard it is and then sell it on for less than you did it for because it's in the Hobbes best interest! I appreciate the work that goes in and will pay the going rate for his restores. We pay the same for plasters, plumbers and electricians it is a art and skilled work.
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Mannys' work is top notch, i will say that. However so are his prices. Nice for those that can afford it.
Wasn't it something like £100 for a standard regularly available manual on Ebay?? That, to me, is an attempt to fleece those who are new to the hobby and know no better.

I have no sympathies unfortunately - I know that may sound cold, however after direct threats of legal action to me (and this forum) and another well respected member on here for voicing our "opinion" that gains no weight for me at all. Other than the Death threats that he apparently received - that is inexcusable and should never have happened (And should have been passed to the police).

And for the record, I have been diagnosed with Severe Clinical Depression twice over the last two years, however I don't use it as an excuse or try to use it for a sympathy vote, nor do I preach about it. And most of those than know me wouldn't even know - It's not something i have EVER made a song or dance about, nor will i probably ever mention it again here. It is completely unlike me as i'm normally a happy chirpy person :D And also something that i never plan to happen again :)

As someone once said - Depression is not a sign of weakness - It is a sign of being strong for far too long.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion - and we also need to be tolerant and accept that other's may be different to yours. Simples :)

I would hapilly buy the guy a beer and stand there chatting with him, however for what he threatened to do, to me and this place, i will never forgive him for.
Even those who criticised Manny for his high prices are now buying pins, on eBay, for a good price and then wiping them over with a bit of Novs and then flipping them. It has become a bit two faced, it's OK because they need money to buy another pin, but not for a business to survive?

Paul you are entitled to your opinion obviously. But stating on a public forum that he was a rip off merchant was a defamation of character. You will not tolerate indecent images as people on a public forum will see them and possibly lead to the site being closed down, some people opinion of theses images may be that they are OK but others not. The same with reading comments about a business is a rip off, this would lead to negative view and not give it a chance, it you get my drift.

I think if you met Manny had a pint then you might get along OK! ;-)
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