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Wanted CFTBL or FH


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Aug 24, 2014
After selling my TZ, JD & CP a few years ago, but still got my TAF, I think I would like to make room for another pin or maybe 2!. Means having to move my pool table on to make room, but have got the itch again, after finally moving TAF into a better place, so gets more use.
Always wanted a CFTBL or maybe a FH, so please let me know if you have one you would like to move on?
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Do you miss it yet?
Wish i never had to sell any of them.

Yeah I do, I knew I was going to as we were loading it up. If only money was no object... It's all good though mate, new pin will be with me soon, I'll Whatsapp you some pics when I've got it
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