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Can't update new Stern code (Spike)


Site Supporter
10 Years
Aug 11, 2011
Swanage, Dorset

This is really baffling and frustrating me as to why it's not working.

Trying to put the new 1.29 code on Game of Thrones. Have updated code in the past with no problem using the same memory stick I'm trying now.

Turn the game off, insert the US stick, turn back on, the game comes up with a message to say GOT 1.29 spk so recognises the stick and the code, message - press select to update code or back to exit and when you press select, it then says insert USB memory stick which of course is already inserted and recognised as otherwise it wouldn't show 1.29 code initially. So can't get any further.

Anyone else had the same problem or know what's going wrong?

Tried a second USB stick in case and same outcome.

Cheers for any help.

Search for "panasonic SD formatter" pn the web, and install. Stick USB Stick in pc. MAKE SURE you have SELECTED the USB Stick (VERY IMPORTANT! - Else you WILL wipe your pc hard disk).

Set option "format type FULL erase on, Format size adjustment on)

Format the stick (you might see something saying "unable to carry out unable to use format size adjustment - the important thing is that if actually formats ok)

Then format the stick as FAT in your PC.

Then put software update on and try again :)

(Basically this will make sure the disk is good and free of anything else beforehand!)
Yes as can't get to buttons easily otherwise:)

Just trying to get the right formatter at mo. Fingers crossed.
That's the one:)

Just tried and followed your instructions fine but still does same as before (:

One thing different that's showing which don't remember from when it has worked in the past before (might be wrong) is that it flashes up v 1.32.0 before saying GOT 1.29 spk.

As mentioned never had a problem updating before using this usb stick and does the same with a different stick too.

So still stuck I'm afraid. Giving up for tonight now but will try any other ideas in the morning.

Yeah, get a new download and check the file length is correct on the penstick before trying to update again.
Also try a different penstick. I've had to try 3 different ones to update machine game code before now even though one of the penstick had updated that actual machine before! Go figure... :rolleyes:
I had a similar problem on TWD, in the end found that the Boot rom chip had a pin bent out of the socket, not sure if the spike system has one but worth checking the chip is seated properly if it does.
Thanks for all the replies.

Did also later think next port of call would be to try to download again. So currently downloading now and will let you know how I get on.

Tried it in both ports on the Spike pcb.

Yes def got the right pro version:)

Cheers all
No I'm even more confused.

Tried downloading 1.29 again, tried to upload to machine and failed again.

Then tried 1,26 which had worked before and that now fails also!

Guess will have to stick with 1.26 previously installed for mo. Just checked and thankfully can still play a game although even though code did not update have lost all high scores and settings.
Have you tried posting to pinside Greg? Not that anyone there will know more than anyone here but with a much larger audience you may come across someone who has dealt with and maybe overcome the exact same problem.
From replies on Pinside still sounds like memory stick problem. @Moonraker, would you be able to download GOT 1.29 pro and put on the memory stick that works for you and bring to Holland this weekend please Peter? As this sounds like best solution to use one which we know works.

I have a few that work fine with Sterns so guard them with my life, it's a bit of a crapshoot which ones work and which ones don't
I have a few that work fine with Sterns so guard them with my life, it's a bit of a crapshoot which ones work and which ones don't
Usb scorea 6 for 6 when tested on my family guy. 0 for 6 when trying to use them on Tron. Can I find the one usb I used in the past on Tron? Can I f***.
Doesn't make any different if they worked in the past or with different machines or even if they're brand new. It's a very weird fault... best to have three different pensticks to try. Also make sure there is no other data on the penstick, only the game code.
Very many thanks to @Moonraker for lending me a working USB stick so now been able to successfully install the new code. Weird how 4 sticks failed to load properly but at least working now and wasn't a pcb fault which I was fearing but was only it being very particular about the sticks.

if it's trying to update the node boards it will fail if there isnt power to them so either close the coin door after starting the update or pull the interlock out.
I have actually run out of USB sticks to try.

No actually - last chance saloon is a USB 3.0 Sandisk I got for pictures of the baby lol...
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I have ( touchwood ) never had a problem since buying the stick Neil recommended.

Sandisk 64GB.
Dont know if it matters, but I always perform update with door open,then when it asks to reboot I power off,remove stick,close door,then turn on.
What error is happening
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