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Calling all STTNG owners

Video link to STTNG is on the page linked above. Problem is that it's marked as private. I recall someone posting a vid on pinside which I can't find now.

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That's three sets so far including me. I'll let the thread run a bit and then email them again. You'll need to decide what colour you want.

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I'll take 2 red and 2 blue as I can't decide - and I think it'll be blue... Let me know how to pay :)
Don't worry about payment until I've got the list finalised and the order is in

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Current list:
STTNG domes

Cryptkeeper - blue
J.C.Rox - red
New forest pinball - ?
Jack Burton - red
Newdos - red
Biglan - red
Spadge - red and blue
Mission65 - blue
Rus121 - blue

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Hello chaps. I've been given a price for the whole order which is for 28 items (14 pairs) and it works out at about £7.20 per item which is £14.40 per pair.
That includes postage to U.K. But not postage out to you guys which will be a couple of quid I guess.
Whatever the final cost, it'll be less than twenty quid per pair. More if you've ordered two pairs.
I need a general consensus to proceed as I don't wanna be ending up with 28 of em.
They make them to order so will be weeks rather than days.
Final chance to change yer mind otherwise I will go with this list:

Cryptkeeper - blue
J.C.Rox - red
New forest pinball - red
Jack Burton - red
Newdos - red
Biglan - red
Spadge - red and blue
Mission65 - blue
Rus121 - blue
Paul - red and blue
Jon - red and blue

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Don't worry about payment until I get the final order through. Yes crypt - I'll change yours to red. I'm getting a set of both cos I can't make my mind up !

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Missed this can i get in on 2 red and 2 green please ? :)

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