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Calling All PREDATOR pre orders

Dave Bishop

Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
Sidcup, Kent
Calling all PRED preorders!
I am looking to arrange bulk shipping from Kevin at SkitB of the PREDATOR destined for the UK.

I am aware that some of the UK buyers are in the first batch to be made.

Phil at PH said he could help us with shipping, he has contacts and shipping via container would be a lot cheaper. IIRC Phil said 1 pin £600 and between 1-6 pins was £1000.

I will double check with Phil but this would be a HUGE saving on shipping.

What I need is everyone who wants cheaper shipping to send me
1.) PRED number
2.) have they paid in full yet/Kevin asked for payment
3.) buyers name.

I can then send list to Kevin and he will make the games together and make available for shipping in one batch! :)

PREATOR is coming!!

Dave Bishop
Hey Dave,

I managed to sneak in on the Predator action as I was on the wait list and then got an email from Kevin, so now I'm in.

#140 - Julian Rawlinson, Bromley, Kent
Deposit paid, not yet been asked for remainder yet

John and I are starting to discuss a 'launch party' / Predator hunt tournament after they arrive and are fully tested/working.
We are thinking of buyers that are geography close to each other host on the same day a number of pre-arranged folks after a couple of hours they leave and rotate to another location, finer details need working out, would you be consider being in?


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