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Call outs to say who is winning a multiplayer game


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
High Wycombe
I have a soft spot for No Fear.

One of the many great things about it is that you get a callout when your score goes ahead of another player. I don't play competitive pinball in the traditional sense, but the pinball does get competitive when I've a few mates over and we're sinking a few bevvies, so it's always great to get an audio cue when you do sneak into second or first. 'Player one had moved into first place' etc.

I wonder why other games don't include such indicators. Obviously you have the DMD itself, but they can get very busy and don't always show the scores at the time your position changes.

What other games have this and why don't all games have it?
Junkyard i think does, or at least compliments you at end-of-ball bonus if you're in the lead..
T3 I think seems to do this? I think the TX compliments you if your score is well ahead of everyone else at the start of your ball.
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