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Bullet holes


Jan 12, 2015
Stockholm, Sweden
Interesting new video from TNT.
They have a shooting range next door and somehow 2 bullets had gone through the block wall, straight through their van and into a wall just behind a fire assembly point.
Watch from 7.50 in.
Maybe GRC? Although are they even arguing with each other anymore - it was a few years back.
i love these videos from Todd, quite a helpful guy, he helped me out with a part for my defender.

Hahaha! :rofl:

Yes me and Todd are on good terms now. TNT have really upped their game with restorations and repairs lately (which was always my gripe), and Frank's battery board is a winner. On that note, did anyone see the video they made taking the p** out of me for ribbing them on drilling circuit boards? I got called a "McDonald's employee" in another episode.

My good friend Mike at GRC still enjoys a jab at them every so often (and vice versa) but I think that's all for nostalgia sake now. Nothing much in it.
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