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Bournemouth Pier


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Just a heads up that they now have a Star Trek Pro at Bournemouth Pier ( it's already got Greg's name on the high score). Enjoyed it even more than I did at the slam.
Pinformer updated.
They also have Xmen, The Avengers and WOZ pro

Cheers Tony
Now that's a proper pier arcade. Nowt like that up here despite four piers in as many miles.
Hasn't Southport pier got pins in the retro arcade at the end ?
Nothing new but pins nether the less.
They once did but think they've gone now, replaced with vintage penny stuff.
Just a heads up that they now have a Star Trek Pro at Bournemouth Pier ( it's already got Greg's name on the high score). Enjoyed it even more than I did at the slam.
Pinformer updated.
They also have Xmen, The Avengers and WOZ pro

Cheers Tony
Yeah Bournemouth Pier is very good for pins - I believe they are all supplied by PH, and have always been in great condition when I've played them. I'm always surprised that so few people seem to be playing them when I'm there (often I'm the only one!).

Surprisingly, I believe this arcade is owned by the council, so maybe someone who works there is a pinball fan and keeping the silver ball alive in Bournemouth :)

Cheers, Mark
I'm due a visit to Bournemouth, must make sure I pop in and check this out. It used to be excellent there for video games.....albeit many moons ago!
And if you're going to be there or near there on a Friday evening, give some thought to poping up to see the gang (and games) at Special When Lit..! :D
Anyone's welcome to pop over if in the area for some games.

I must get down to see you Greg:thumbs:

And if you're going to be there or near there on a Friday evening, give some thought to poping up to see the gang (and games) at Special When Lit..! :D

Evenings aren't good for me at the mo but If you'd like to open Saturdays that would be perfect :D:clap:

My Mum was in Bournemouth yesterday and said the Arcade was closed :(
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