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Found it! BOP ( bride of pinbot)

David King

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 20, 2012
Another one I have taken fancy too. I have seen the one on eBay but I think he might be asking too much! What is it worth really?
Anyways. I am in the lookout. I will have to sell my Popeye. Just seeing what's out there before I sell.

Hi everyone, the Ebay BOP is mine.

I had some time yesterday, so the battery backup and multiball pin issues are now fixed. Feel free to make an offer if you still think it's too steep. And if you can get to Nottingham, come and take a look.

I've owned the thing since the mid-nineties, and only just found out it was the first pin to feature a cow! (haven't tried on mine yet:).
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