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Black Knight 3000???

Believe that when I see it, slapping the Stern logo and some edgy text on a BK2K topper is like 10 minutes work...
As bogus as a bogus thing. Were it pukka there would be new art.

I think that he is working on original IP is legit. That artwork isn’t for sure.
And it’s 100% BK3K, why Stern think this is a good idea, I don’t know. Richie definitely needs to pull one out of the bag though

Have we actually got anything beyond rumours what the original IP Ritchie is working on is?
Yes, it’s Black Knight 3000

Okay but how do we know this?
Sorry to press but I'm not seeing any verification or confirmation anywhere this is the case apart from people just saying "This is it and I know it is."...
Well, obviously I don't know the details, but why would he lie? I can't imagine that would serve much purpose>

Perhaps he knows somebody in the industry, or someone that works for Stern, but can;t say because he could get them in trouble. They like to keep these things secret in general until they are ready to launch them.
This and Elvira, I don't see Stern taking the risk. Maybe as a filler title but not a main game.

When JT mooted Forbidden Planet to them they said they were happy with their formula:

Film, Superhero, Music and then repeat.

Obviously times change but I just don't see a market for another BK Steve Ritchie rehash.
Both bk games are not casual player friendly . That's why I probably love them . Watching "adults" when you are 12 posting 50k on BK then stepping up and taking it to 2m was VERY satisfying.
It is bk3k, I am sure myself and @mufcwill take money off you in bets.
There have been enough non subtle clues in the past year with certain fb posts
Okay but how do we know this?
Sorry to press but I'm not seeing any verification or confirmation anywhere this is the case apart from people just saying "This is it and I know it is."...

I’m not getting into how or what I know, it’s concrete that SR is doing BK3K. As for when it will be released, It should be next but things change. From what I know, He’s excited about it, but then he does get excited about pinball
I'm hoping for something special from SR, his last 2 pins haven't exactly set the world on fire. Let's see how much Stern let him put in a machine without being hamstrung by a license.
Sod that. We want Rollergames 2 . Revenge of the 90s
At the time, I thought of Rollergames as a High Speed II
Apparently Mr Richie is retiring after BK3K. About time, the industry needs new blood.
It's a matter of opinion, but I feel that if a designer should retire, then it's John Trudeau

And incidentally, Steve and Mark spell their surname RiTchie
Here's hoping for something that can raise the blood pressure a la TNA. Make it a good 'un Ritchie.
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