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'Big' events/dates for 2015?


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jan 12, 2014
Sunny Exeter
I may not be seeing the wood for the trees (:confused:), but are there any 2015 plans/dates pencilled in for what appear to be the 'bigger' UK Pinball Events?

Having only really got back into this in the Spring of 2014 I managed to miss out on being able to go to the South Coast Slam, Pinball Party & NLP in 2014 due to conflicting commitments and I'd be keen to get dates (even provisional ones) in the diary as early as possible!:):)
hi @thelab - thanks for reply/link- I'd seen that thread, but was under the impression that was specifically the competitive/league meets (whichi I'm hoping a to get along to a few more of this year as well), rather than weekend type 'events'?

Thanks for reply @GrizZ - a shame as it sounds like I missed great one last year, but can appreciate a huge amount of effort goes into the organising/preparing, running & clearing up for something like that!
Yeah - The Slam was good fun. Anything else going on 'dahn sarth' this year?

Could do with an excuse to meet the more far-flung (for me) people from on here in the real world.
I think Ely (formally Swavesey) is happening. Not on the SCS scale but still a nice little event. More East than Sarf perhaps but it's a start.
hi @thelab - thanks for reply/link- I'd seen that thread, but was under the impression that was specifically the competitive/league meets (whichi I'm hoping a to get along to a few more of this year as well), rather than weekend type 'events'?

Yeah you're right the UKCS Schedule is mainly events/meets focused more on competitions, mostly over one day and with few machines for just social play, but as others have said the big shows you're looking for that I'm aware of normally are Party, Replay and NERG. Others can advise but not sure if dates have been fixed for these and know Party is not decided yet.

Assuming Play Expo , incorporating Northern Lights Pinball, goes ahead again in Manchester ...Octoberish .... I would make that *top* of anyones Show list. The NLP crew put together a staggering lineup of pins PLUS there are hundreds of classic vids, consoles etc. It's geek heaven on an epic scale.:thumbs: I can't wait for it already :cool:

The North Coast slam. Yeah yeah call it what you like. Easter time Jesus is laid to rest but a new show is born.
4-5th april.

Who's coming?
The 10th East Anglian Pinball Show (formerly held in Swavesey) is in Ely, CAMBS on 27th & 28th June. More details can be found at


The main tournament is the UK Pinball Cup to be held on the Sunday. This is a charity event to raise money for the British Heart Foundation so any support is most welcome. There were 12 tables last year with an aim to have even more this year.
The 10th East Anglian Pinball Show (formerly held in Swavesey) is in Ely, CAMBS on 27th & 28th June. More details can be found at


The main tournament is the UK Pinball Cup to be held on the Sunday. This is a charity event to raise money for the British Heart Foundation so any support is most welcome. There were 12 tables last year with an aim to have even more this year.
Sounds like a cool event. Roughly how many people attended last year and how many tables do you think the venue could accomodate?
There were 34 participants in the tournament and 12 tables on both days in 2014. We had space for a few more tables so the aim is 15 this year and more competitors in the tournament. I made the website and I've been mentioning it at every event I've been to to try and get as many tables and people as I can. I got 2 more promises for tables at the UKCS final yesterday so we are at 12 already. 2014 was a bit last minute as I only found out in Feb that Swavesey wasn't going to happen. By the time we'd got everyone on board to relocate from Swavesey to Ely the only dates available were in the Summer holidays and a lot of people couldn't make it. We've had much better preparation this year.
There were 34 participants in the tournament and 12 tables on both days in 2014. We had space for a few more tables so the aim is 15 this year and more competitors in the tournament. I made the website and I've been mentioning it at every event I've been to to try and get as many tables and people as I can. I got 2 more promises for tables at the UKCS final yesterday so we are at 12 already. 2014 was a bit last minute as I only found out in Feb that Swavesey wasn't going to happen. By the time we'd got everyone on board to relocate from Swavesey to Ely the only dates available were in the Summer holidays and a lot of people couldn't make it. We've had much better preparation this year.

Hoping to make it along and support this year. Well done Rowan and crew for keeping the spirit of the Swavesey meet alive !
It'll be great to have you come along. Swavesey was always a great event so we've got a good foundation to build on and Bar62 is quite a good size venue for this kind of event.
By the time we'd got everyone on board to relocate from Swavesey to Ely the only dates available were in the Summer holidays and a lot of people couldn't make it. We've had much better preparation this year.

It also clashed with the final South West League meet of the season, so you were missing a few of us... Please try and improve the tournament as it's a long way for a single match (eg lose first round and out).
In 2014 we continued the knockout format, which personally, I am not a fan of. I have been discussing a better format with Martin Ayub as I also believe that it would be very unpleasant to travel any distance to an event only to be knocked out in the first round. If the choice were mine I would use the matchplay format that was used at SWL for the "Not another birthday tournament". I am open to input on the subject as I want it to be as successful as possible so feel free to offer suggestions.
In 2014 we continued the knockout format, which personally, I am not a fan of. I have been discussing a better format with Martin Ayub as I also believe that it would be very unpleasant to travel any distance to an event only to be knocked out in the first round. If the choice were mine I would use the matchplay format that was used at SWL for the "Not another birthday tournament". I am open to input on the subject as I want it to be as successful as possible so feel free to offer suggestions.

That's a great format to chose with the new rules. However head to head only works when you have enough machines... eg 40 people you'd need 20 machines. The other option would be to play in groups of 4...
Thanks for the input. As we won't know how many tables and competitors there will be until just before the day, perhaps something similar to the recent UKCS final with a qualification phase followed by a final showdown of the top 16 might be preferable. To do this I would need to obtain the software that determines the qualification phase. Can anyone help direct me to the person I need to speak to about that?
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