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David King

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 20, 2012
I have been looking in GUMTREE for a Pinball machine and came across a MM for £900. It apparently has a few faults but even still. If it is too good to be true then it probably is. The guy contacted me after I texted him and wantEd to deal through e mail. Wanting money to be paid into pay safe and wanting my address. I have been scammed this way before so please beware as this could be dodgy. I have told him I don't deal like this and consequently have not heard back from him!!! Avoid
Gumtree seems to attract scammers. I remember seeing a Ripley's a good while back for a decent price. Similar 'payment by transfer' request. I replied that Warrington was only 30 minute away from me, I'd drive up later and bring cash. Then he started back pedaling
Those pics have been used before on Craigslist many times - I reported the listing earlier today and have just found my warning post on this forum saved as a draft (I didn't press post, sorry!).
Gumtree seems to attract scammers. I remember seeing a Ripley's a good while back for a decent price. Similar 'payment by transfer' request. I replied that Warrington was only 30 minute away from me, I'd drive up later and bring cash. Then he started back pedaling

Happening all the more these days, not just on pins either. Try finding a genuine Roland Jupiter 8 synth for sale that isn't a scam these days. Ebay and everywhere else the w*nkers.
Yup, you have to watch out, I remember uncovering a scam on ebay years back (when you could still see who was bidding and contact members) it was for a Roland TD8 drum kit at the time, anyway I realised it was a scam after communicating with the seller, I made contact with a few of the bidders warning them to be careful, next came the death threats, "I will come there and kill you, kill your kids and so on", for a while after I would get a tricky email and then it went mute. I had previously been scammed on ebay by Romanian fraudsters (account hyjack) and lost the cash so fortunately was clued up hence the above (no ebay did not compensate)

There are some nasty desperate people out there and it's only going to get worse, keep your eyes peeled and don't let yor heart rule yor mind.
I always assume 90%+ of the ads on Gumtree are fake. Seems to have got a little better in the last couple of years but still not worth it unless you collect and pay in person. Loot and Craigslist are simply not worth looking at unless you want a cheap laugh:(

Touch wood, so far I've only had real sellers on ebay but I've had a few, hmmm, moments after sending a grand to someone I don't know and then arranging for Martin to pick up.
Remember another time when a pair of Tannoy Speaker turned up, (pics looked fine (old pic) and ad said mint), one had a huge hole through the cone (would have sank the Titanic) repaired with some puncture repair patches, after a few emails his wife took over and said that he had just been released from a local mental institution and had forgotten to take his medication :eek:, que response:"actually I think they sound better with the repair, sorry to trouble you, bye" :)
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I followed up a few Gumtree ads the other year. It amazed me how many machines I was not able to see in person but if I transferred money they would be delivered for free. :rolleyes:
When I was first looking I looked on there was offered a "100% mint" taf and a tftc for £900 :0/ I kept the msgs going for a bit on the off chance he was just clueless. When asked to pics he just sent a pic of google or told me to google it myself. Accused me of sounding abit dodgy because I wanted to view it
Medieval madness back on GUMTREE. Was in Exeter now in London. Please report this as a scam. This person needs to be sorted with!!!!
I would buy a TAF for £395 with a missing bookcase.
Bargain if one came up for sale.
I always start off saying I'm local and would like to come round for a look (even if it is not local) just to see their response. Usually you get a story along the lines of it is already boxed up, or with a courier, etc or some other reason why you can't see it. As soon as they start that, my interest stops.
Good trick is to ask for their bank details stating that you will transfer the money over and then just mess them around for as long as you can with absurd excuses until they are blue in the face ;)
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