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Better Call Saul - New Series

Maaaaan, I still need to finish Breaking Bad, then go back and watch the original BCS before getting to this. Need to drop this damn time consuming pinball hobby!
Think I’ll wait until you can binge watch the whole season.
It must be getting harder for the make-up crew to achieve the prequel look, Breaking Bad is 12 years old now!
I missed Breaking Bad was it was first on, so ended up binge watching it when it was on one of the freeview channels 5 times a week (using series link record). Worked out rather well.

I don't have Netflix so haven't seen any of Better Call Saul yet.
I'm loving it. Been looking forward to the new season, can't believe we're on the fifth!
I know that it can be really annoying to be told how good a tv series is when it has reached season 3, 5, 7 whatever.

But, Better Call Saul is quite possibly the best current TV series right now. In recent years has been right up there with the likes of Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Homeland, Game of Thrones (though never watched this one myself) ....
For some reason episode 2 became available the day after the season 5 pilot, but I think it reverts to weekly from now.
I think it was a 2 episode premier in the usa,so netflix uk probably doing the same
Yes both episodes were available together. It confused the hell out of me, especially with the mall flashbacks. I thought I was re-watching the very first Season 1 episode by accident.
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I think the last two or three episodes have been a bit boring. I love it but it really needs to start picking up the pace a bit now. It's getting a bit Hart to Hart.
Binge watched season 5 over the last few days, best so far I reckon.

Roll on next year for the final season.
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