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Best lesson learned in pinball


10 Years
Aug 10, 2011
Close second is play,play,play before you buy either learning game in reality or at least learning rules thru pinmame etc

Number one for me was learnt whilst trying to find a Black Hole.

As a few may remember I spent 18 months looking for ANY BH,but finally in May 2008 I got one.
It had took 18months to find ANY BH in the UK,and this particular one was not actually for sale!
A fair few on the old antiquated ukpinball group knew I wanted one,then one day a fair few people messaged me saying there was a TAF on epay,and in the background was a BH:-o
The bloke had allready said he woudldn't sell after kind pinheads has asked (pre-empting my inevitable question!-is it for sale)Tho he thankfully changed his mind when I asked.
So here was my lesson to be learnt........

I turned up to see a game fully working,bar the speech(which in itself was weird,as he had done what I was to do-convert it to speech like the dearer us version that came with speech,only it didn't work.

So here I was looking at a pin not fully working,with mylar bubbles,and down to wood wear at some poppers.And the cab/backbox,and,to some extent even the backglass had issues.This was NOWHERE NEAR what I would normally accept,tho after 18 months of not finding any BH's I decided I may as well go for it.
So I got it on 9/5/08 for £380 with the non working speech export board but other than that working with an aftermarket cpu and some of the mandatory mods allready done eg cap replacement,some ground mods done etc.Sweet;)

At the time it was more a of just a semi"I got the wanted pin but with damaged pf,cab etc etc"

But shortly afterwards,especially after I fixed the speech I finally learned - SO WHAT.
Yes it has issues but....

I HAVE A FOOKIN' Black Hole!!!!-that 100% works.
who cares of the pf and cab issues.
That was a GREAT lesson.

Roll forward,because of that I now have a TX Sector,Volcano,mebbe even my TAF and Robo War that I would not have done without that little lesson-really.

At times you have to accept it and just go back to basics-if it's playable it can do it's purpose play the frickin' thing!!:rofl:

Plus there is always the I can get a better one down the line scenario - that's why I have just bought another TX Sector - to make a better one,and sell the not so better one:p

so,IMO,if ya want a rarish game ,and one comes up for sale,don't be a numpty and say - ohhh it's scratched,buy it,fix it,tart it up,you will still love it.
It may feel like putting lipstick on a pig,but in the end,it WILL make sense:thumbs:

whats's you learned lesson then?
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God I've learnt that one. Grabbed the first ID4 I ever saw after wanting one for years. over the next month three more of the buggers turned up all at half the price I paid
Avoid games on fleabay I guess. I've had 3 games from there. The first game I ever bought came from @Judge Dreads and I got very lucky as it worked flawlessly until I swapped it and it was a fair price. Another came from @Matt Vince and again I was very lucky, worked well and I have only just sold it. The third came from a total unknown and the wiring was a total hack job, there was jumpers everywhere, speaker wire used to connect a heat sink the the power supply board and it sat broken for about 4 months because I knew nothing about fixing the game as I was still very new to the hobby and didn't know anyone I could ask for help. So out of the 3, 2 came from forum members which explains why they were in good condition and the unknown from a guy I have never heard from again broke pretty much 2 months into having it with very light play. Guess that also backs up @RGV who says it pays to know people into pinballs!
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