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Baywatch 'float' mod

Sgt GrizZ

10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
Added a Baywatch 'float' above the Laser Kick relight targets some time ago - it came as an accessory with a Baywatch Barbie doll and fits perfectly, matching the inserts also . Finally got round to wiring a light into it today, tied to the Laser Kick insert lamp .

Looks good even if I do say so :D

Pic of float

Vid of light in operation

Barbie rocks.
You can see her in loads of video stuff concerning the shack and SCS stuff.
Most recent she was in the 24 hour charity pinball vid that was posted (I think on this site)
With all due respect Paul, that is the sort of rubbish I don't expect from you. She was the main earner, he bought most of that stuff from her earnings as he lounged about in his swimming trunks by the pool. I also hear he slept with Cindy whilst Barbie was away on a beauty pagent but that is only rumours, neither of them talked to the press, or talk at all.
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