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Battlefield games


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Jul 21, 2011
Its been two years since they released BF3, so can they top it? You can play now if you download a VPN client and go through a Korean proxy, or wait till Friday for official release.

Anyone here buying it on the PC?
Sgt_GrizZ will be signing up for duty on Friday :cool:

Whilst I never took to BF3 as much as my beloved BF2 ...I find it hard to resist some more BF action. I did consider skipping this one but having played the beta - briefly - it did enough to convince me. Plus the return of commander, larger squads and in game voip from the off have swayed me.
I want to play it but as i've got a pre-order in for the Xbox One i'll most likely wait until that turns up and play it on next gen.

In the meantime i'll most likely sink more time into GTA V and Batman Arkham Origins.
If you have a half decent PC I'd def go for PC over console ....spiritual home of the BF series :)
My PC sucks and I kinda got bored of constantly upgrading to keep pace with the games (although to be fair that's become less of an issue over the last few years).

Still love gaming in front of the telly with my feet up though so for me i'm sticking with the consoles.
:oops: Got BF3 for Xmas (last year?) but PC wasn't good enough - finally got a PC that is good enough but not found the time to un-wrap BF3 and load it on to the PC. I blame myself for being too busy sorting out pinball machines and fellow collectors, oh and posting to forums! :rolleyes:
Bf4 and cod:ghosts on the horizon - sounds like an expensive and busy couple of weeks :)
got ghosts on pre order, never got on with bf3 too many sniper deaths for my liking
You can play now if you use a VPN going through korea. Its too laggy to play online properly, but you can have a look around those amazing maps and play single player too.
Or we could just firewall the virtual interface and leave the poor innocent donkeys to enjoy their copulation without human interference. ;)
Never get time on my PC to play any games so I think I'll be getting this on PS4.

Don't bother with that COD sh*t Paul, Battlefield is all you need :)

I have to say I'm with mission65 on this - battlefield 3 was 'ok', however online play was much more successful with cod. Saying that my lad likes both but prefers bf3, the other lad cod so I can't win!!!!
I have to say I'm with mission65 on this - battlefield 3 was 'ok', shouonline play was much more successful with cod. Saying that my lad likes both but prefers bf3, the other lad cod so I can't win!!!!

Battlefield 2 - still the greatest. Sooooooooooooo hoping that BF4 recaptures some of the the awesome squad and teamplay of 2. That is where BF3 let many BF veterans down .....they took away some of the elements that made 2 so awesome, and hence the accusations of COD-ification. Plus imo the map designs just weren't on the whole as good.

Mashtuur, Dragon Valley .........happy BF2 days :cool:
There's always going to be different opinions and comparisons with BF & COD. A bit like Spectrum and C64.

I've played them both on consoles/PC's.

For me, it's Battlefield all the way and playing it on a PC. I find more mature gamers play BF. I use my PC all the time at home and it just makes more sense to play games on it.

Oh, and on the PC you can quickly ALT & TAB to check pinball forums :)
I find more mature gamers play BF
this may be true, I too have played both and bf is a more mature game, however cod is the better game in multiplayer, I only play cod multiplayer and there are lots of people using hacks, and lots of kids too, but it is still a better game and if you play in a clan you can get to have some very good matches.
All that being said in the clan i play in most prefer bf, but they are all to a man the worst players in our clan ? The better players who play in the clan matches bf and cod like myself still prefer cod, go figure ?

suppose truly both very good games, i have played both to death i.e far too much to want to post here :oops:
There's always going to be different opinions and comparisons with BF & COD. A bit like Spectrum and C64.
Of course there are differing opinions, but only one of them is right. Everyone knows the Spectrum was the better gaming machine. ;)
Last night, I played BF4 till 4.30am. It is fantastic to say the least.

Oh, the VPN trick is used to just start the game (to fool origin into thinking you are in Korea) then you disable the newly created VPN and open battlelog then you can play at your full net speed with no lag (system depending of course). USe a VPN client like Softether or flyvpn to connect to a public relay server, then start origin. Once origin lets you click on the 'play' button, disable your VPN in network control panel and enjoy the game!

Paracel Storm is my fav map at the mo. When the weather changes its great fun to smash your boat into the faces of unlucky jetskiers! Still feeling it out, but its worth a 1000 hours to me so im happy!

Cod Vs. Battlefield? I don't really pay attention to the debate, just what I love to play. Thing is, I only have time for one of them, and battlefield has what I need, in buckets.
Ohhhhh. Its sooooooo damn goooooood!!!! I had one of those moments when you realise a nuclear holocaust could have gone on outside and you would never have even noticed. I got whinged at this morning for commanding on my phone whilst I was supposed to be in a conference call. It was utterly boring stuff, so I multitasked while sat there, sending cruise missiles onto the skulls of unsuspecting gamers! Muahahahahha HAAA!!

I now have to butter up the missus with stuff to keep her busy or i'm totally screwed!
Of course there are differing opinions, but only one of them is right. Everyone knows the Spectrum was the better gaming machine. ;)

Definitly the largest quantity of games.... but all the seminal games arrived on the BBC micro first.

Chuckie Egg, elite, revs etc.
Definitly the largest quantity of games.... but all the seminal games arrived on the BBC micro first.

Chuckie Egg, elite, revs etc.

Wow. That is some statement ;) ALL the seminal games ?!? Granted Elite is one of the greatest games of all time, but Chuckie Egg was a half decent platformer at best, and Revs was just dull.

"Lets all go round <insert 'poor kid whos Dad bought them a BBC for Christmas because it seemed more educational and proper even though all his mates had C64s and Speccys' name> and play some BBC games" ......said NOBODY ever in my school :rofl:
Personally, I believe the slightly more adult audience of the 'educational' BBC micro is the factor. that meant the inovation ended there, when the quantity ended up on the (much)cheaper speccy etc. Much to Sir 'lady killer' Clive's unhappiness.

Some great games on the speccy, but nothing (unless someone can assit) remotly ground changing.
Personally, I believe the slightly more adult audience of the 'educational' BBC micro is the factor. that meant the inovation ended there, when the quantity ended up on the (much)cheaper speccy etc. Much to Sir 'lady killer' Clive's unhappiness.

Some great games on the speccy, but nothing (unless someone can assit) remotly ground changing.

errrr.......Knight Lore ;)


exactly what i remember from 3 :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Tend to review games myself to see if suitable for my son to play as some game ratings are ridiculous,I mean stuff that would be 12A in a film seems to be a 16 in video games.Need to play Battlefield 4 and see if ok for my teenage son
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