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Battlefield 3

Sgt GrizZ

Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
Anyone else gonna be joining Sgt. GrizZ on the Battlefield at the end of the month - hardcore PC version of course, no console toytown stuff

Looks awesome.
I'm so there
Been waiting for this one to come out for ages. I very rarely buy PC games any more but am definitely getting this one, it looks incredible! It's going to use an improved version of the sound engine from Bad Company 2 so I've heard and that was really impressive. Made you feel like you were really there man!!
I missed out on BC2 - my PC a bit long in the tooth

Played Battlefield 2 massively a few years back though, best game ever.

But have shiny new computer on way ........ was waiting for BF3 to give me the excuse to upgrade !

See you on the battlefield soldier :cool:
Played Battlefield 2 massively a few years back though, best game ever.

Same here. Strike at Karkand 64 player map
My desktop is a gaming beast (oc'd I7 with silly amounts of RAM) although I need to check the gpx card reqs as not sure whether my GTX275 will let me have all the bells and whistles on.....and more importantly the draw distance.
The first lot of DLC for BF3 is going to be the "Back to Karkand" pack
The 4 old maps being re-released are:

  • Strike at Karkand

  • Wake Island
  • Gulf of Oman
  • Sharqi Peninsula

Unlucky Ive, no Mashtuur for you although I'm sure they'll get round to it and some point. Jets over Wake Island was always cool!
Sooooo excited about this now

My cousin has been playing the beta . He's giving it a thumbs up .... and he was a *hardcore* BF2 player from day 1....says the graphics and effects are just phenomenal. His only gripes at the moment being that squads are only 4 strong, not 6, and lack of in game VOIP - though there seems to be some work around for that, oh and no commander.

Apparently you can spawn on any squad member, not just the squad leader, is this how it was in BC2 ?

Bring it on ! :cool:
lack of in game VOIP

Used to use TeamSpeak on BF2 so should be able to use something similar I would think.

Apparently you can spawn on any squad member, not just the squad leader, is this how it was in BC2 ?

Yes thats how it was in BC2 but I thought they were going to change that for BF3 so only the squad leader can spawn on any squad members with the rest of the squad just being able to spawn on the leader.

Just to get even more excited.....check this out!


There only seems to be me and you on this thread Ive, not enough for a squad
You know I will be there Grizz, sneaking up on you and stabbing you to death...... ah sneaking up behind and stabbing, my favorite kill on BF2. Unfortuantely will have to wait till after xmas to get a pc good enough. But we can go back to Sunday roasts followed by a session in the pinshack and some BF3 action. Just need to remember that the ladies will need more wine to keep them quiet!
Pah ! Stand up and fight like a man Tom :mad: .................... crawling around in the dirt backstabbing - just about sums you up

See you on the battlefield little girl ....after Santa has been and we have all the unlocks you can only dream of :cool:
Been very bust lately and only just been able to post on here again after a mishap regarding my gaming beast PC (i7920 @ 3.6ghz, 6GB low latency RAM, GTX580) What happened i hear you cry? Well.......BF3.

The beta was released for testing recently and i was able to play both 'operation metro' and 'caspian border'. I had to use beta drivers which caused a lot of issues, and also caused my gtx580 to run at a shocking 83c!!! Long story short, i had to reload windows after an issue arose after i removed the beta drivers. Grrr.

Anyway, to the game. It is basically out-of-this-world good (you knew that already) although at 1920x1200 resolution with everything switched to 'ultra', i was getting around 50-60fps dropping to 40-45fps when fighting intense battles. A GTX275 can play the game, but it will be at a low frame rate with textures etc. turned to medium or low (looks poo). I know this because i have a GTX280 that cant handle the game anywhere close to what the 580 can. I also have a friend that uses 2x GTX275's in SLI and that STILL cant run the game to his satisfaction.

BF2 was also a fav of mine, but when i played caspian border for the first time (huge map with jets, tanks, heli's the LOT) i nearly shed a tear. The ambience and sound package completely overwhelms you at first with most of it sounding alarmingly real. Explosions around you 'shake' the screen, bullets fly past you tearing up grass and all sorts. Get bored of running and gunning and jump into a jet for some dogfighting fun, the options are endless. Its a bloody masterpiece.

Most of the weapons are a bit innacurate until you spec them up with unlockable upgrades, although there are some cool things like I/R heat vision scopes, Bomb defusing robots that you can load up with C4 and drive into buildings, people etc.., tactical torches and lasers that blind your opponents as well as the ability to destroy warehouses and buildings.

The squad thing was messed up in the beta as you were not able to join your buddies easily. Its been stated that the squad option in the beta was there as a test and in no way represents the final squad option (which is rumored to be almost identical to the original BF2 squad setup)

BF2 was a hard game if you were crap, and this game is no different. In fact, it is the most viceral, unforgiving shooter out there so expect to die,...lots. Pinball will be on hold for the first few weeks of this game for sure!

OMg ......that is what I wanted to hear ....been watching all the online vids and basically wetting myself with how unbelievable it all looks.

The world is divided into those who have played and 'get' BF2 ....and the other poor sods who have never experienced the awesomeness.

Yep - pinball may well take a backseat during Nov and Dec :cool:
Ive, you wont be dissapointed thats for sure.

Ever seen the film 'Ronin' with the famous Gun battle in the streets??? Well the way that scene was filmed totally reminds me of how BF3 makes you feel when playing it.

Anyway, it comes out on the 25th for the PC, so less than 12 days now. Yeeehaawww!!
OMG that looks awesome
The base jumping bit off the helipad is supposed to be cool, they were talking about it in a preview on Eurogamer. I'm going to seriously consider getting a new graphics card....Ive, has your new PC arrived yet?
Wow. It just gets better!

Thought about upgrading my pc to run 2x gtx580's, but after realising the power requirements, i decided to just get a 27" 3d monitor with the nvidia glasses and stick with just one gtx580.

For those of you that wonder if your pc is good enough to play it at a decent frame rate, you can download a program called 3dmark11 which will test your pc's directX11 performance and then give you a score (1000 is very poor, 10000 is amazing) A score of 4500-6500 is what most gamers get with the latest nvidia/AMD cards and an i7 cpu.


Just found out my family are coming a week later now, so i may have to live in my PC room for a week or so....

Picked up my copy this morning (limited edition with the Back to Karkand maps). Just got a couple of meetings this afternoon before I can knock off early, get home and realise how underpowered my graphics card is
Well after all these years waiting ...... I've had to wait a bit longer :mad:

Had it all planned - today was gonna be BF3 *all day long* ......... until I suddenly got some work on today that I couldn't turn down

So I have only got home, haven't even started installing yet .....but by midnight tonight I hope to be raising hell on the Battlefield. All night session here I come
Look out BF noobs here comes Sgt GrizZZ and he ain't taking no prisoners :cool:
:mad: Stupid EA Installer.....left it running only to come back 30 mins later and find it's decided to try and install from the net rather than the disc......which is in the bloody drive!!! Re-installing now and this time it's using the disc....16 mins remaining
Most definitely
Got my ass handed to me online last night as expected but it's all good.....need more practice!!!
ronsplooter' date=' post: 1686956 said:
Most definitely
Got my ass handed to me online last night as expected but it's all good.....need more practice!!!

Haha ....me too - as a BF2 veteran I thought I would be ok .... but boy am I getting WHIPPED. At the moment I'm spending half the time lying under a bush thinking WTF is going on !?!

It'll come - just takes a while to bed in. It looks and sounds awesome, just all a bit overwhelming at the mo

I had a nightmare install - but this was mainly because updating the graphics driver went stupidly pear shaped as only PC updates can. Grrrrrrrr. Bit of swearing I'm afraid last night.

All good now.
We'll have to get on Karkand as soon as it's available
Whats your in game id, I'll send you a friend request...mine is ronsplooter. How about people post their BF3 id's on here and we can add each other and get on a server together?
Amazing game....for the first 20 hours......

Now, its just camp, kill, die, camp, kill die on most of the conquest maps, and is magnified on most rush maps. The exceptions are:

Damavand peak (rush)

Caspian border (conquest large)

Kharg Island (conquest)

I would consider myself to be more than a decent shooter, but i am finding it difficult to combat due to various issues with the torches, laser sights, ambient mist and of course, the CONSTANT rpg spamming. Currently sporting a 1.6k/d which for me is utterly crap.

So, what can i do to stop myself being raped? ....COVER. No cover, no hope. That means getting the M203 unlocked with assault kit and using the smoke grenades to sneak behind enemy positions. I was being raped silly before i got my hands on that little bit of kit. Helps more than any other upgrade imo.....

Oh, if you want to get some payback, unlock the mortar with the ammo guy. Once your team spots an enemy it shows up as a red triangle on your map, so just aim the mortar at that direction for many, many kills from a safe position.

No 3d support yet either, which means sod all to many, but i just bought a 3d monitor to play the damn thing, only to find out 3d isnt available and will be added as an 'upgrade' in a later patch. GRRRRRR.

Oh, my in game name is 'Rusolinio'............
I have only managed to put in a few hours - but am getting owned out there

Loving it - BUT finding certain issues annoying me, namely the useless commo rose..... why have they made it so clunky and pointless, the irritating mini map which is cluttered with stuff and soo hard to read at a glance, the squad management is fubar, the flags are too close together on most maps thus taking a lot of the tactics away and wasting the huge map .....

Basically they have f*cked with a lot of the good stuff that made BF2, and besides the presentation haven't added anything really killer that I can see.

I'm hoping the patches will address some of the issues, and I'm sure I'll grow into it more.

Still a great great game and I'll stick with it. Just feel like I'm walking around with a bullseye on my back at the minute
Moonraker' date=' post: 1687926 said:
Never played either game but it sounds like you were spoilt on BF2 Grizz...

Yeah - thing I guess to remember is that BF2 wasn't perfect on release - they added and tweaked a lot of stuff over the first year or so.

Everything I mentioned is basically what the entire PC gaming community is also saying, so hoping Dice will take notice and make us all very happy soldiers.
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