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Bargain Pinball Toppers

Wave motion looks clunky, crazy money for a topper, where will it end, I can barely look at the dmd when playing, if I was looking at that, guaranteed to loose a ball
Mostly looks good but those waves are awful, doesn't even look like waves, more like floating concrete blocks.
Dunno, when does an octopuses tentacles ever look great?
They look hideous…. why on Earth would you want this on top of your pin.
Edit: Had to pop a Stugeron 15 🤮
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Their reactions actually wound me up. When they revealed it I couldn’t believe we were looking at the same thing. Horses for courses I suppose!!
Won’t be putting one of these on my POTC - too big, too bulky, too expensive - but I do like the lightning effects it throws onto the wall behind the game at around the 14 minute mark of the video. If I could get a strip of LEDs to mount to the backbox that had the same integrated effect I’d definitely be buying.
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