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Sold Avatar

carl lawrence

Site Supporter
Jul 31, 2011
Deciding to part with these two machines, I've owned avatar since November last year and Star Trek the longest in my collection since summer of 2009 and has endured two midlands league meets in the past.
Both of these machines are in working condition with no faults currently present.

Avatar : £3200

Pictures are to follow
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Ok managed to get in and take some pic's of Avatar :thumbs:
When I got Avatar i stripped and polish/clean fitted new rubber white and trans ,plus a new yoke on one of the pop bumpers. It does have 99% of leds fitted (comet not by me )
Fitted new flipper buttons as I did not like the white ones
Few models fitted and a mod on the link
New magnet core
New Amp toy fitted (LE type )
plays nice and fast
Think it is a 2010 model as well ....just checked its Feb 2013 !!
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Where did you get the Avatar models from Carl? Does the LE amp suit have the walking legs? ( I believe it does that? )
Where did you get the Avatar models from Carl? Does the LE amp suit have the walking legs? ( I believe it does that? )

On his behalf he got the amp suit toy found on the pro model on ebay, few weeks later they delivered the toy found on the le as they didn't have the other in stock.
It doesn't have the walking legs , still has the same functionality of falling down.
Hmm....I'm in the exceptional minority that prefers avatar over walking dead :), I enjoy playing Avatar whereas TWD just got my blood pressure up :mad:.
I still hate the theme, but the outlane extenders i bought for a family weekender remain fitted and have increased my enjoyment of this game significantly. I don't play often or well enough to be bothered by it.
Hmm....I'm in the exceptional minority that prefers avatar over walking dead :), I enjoy playing Avatar whereas TWD just got my blood pressure up :mad:.

Avatar came in that run of Stern games around 2009/10/11 ... Iron Man/Avatar/Rolling Stones, that were quite poorly received by many at first, criticised for relatively stripped back playfields ...which is quite funny looking at what passes for a Pro now from Stern - but turned out to actually have decent rulesets and now have their fans.
Gonna get me an Avatar eventually. Does look a bit sparse but always enjoyed it.
Avatar came in that run of Stern games around 2009/10/11 ... Iron Man/Avatar/Rolling Stones, that were quite poorly received by many at first, criticised for relatively stripped back playfields ...which is quite funny looking at what passes for a Pro now from Stern - but turned out to actually have decent rulesets and now have their fans.
Really regret selling my Avatar LE - awesome game.
Star Wars pro is as stripped down as any of these games funnily enough - if not more so actually.
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