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Auto eddy boards a good investment?

I've got one for my Tom. Reallyhappy with it. I was about half way towards recreating one using arguing but the coding is beyond me. If anyone does know how to program arduino please let me know. Free boards in return for some help
The one to replace the one in TOM is a must. I guess it depends on how much you have to adjust the ones in RS. If it's once a year then I wouldn't bother, once a month then it becomes a no brainer
Underneath the dozer blade you'll find a recess in the pf with a little sensor board. As the ball passes over it, it registers a hit on the blade. There maybe others in RS it's been a few years since I owned one

You may find every so often that it stops registering hits. If this happens there's a little pot on the Eddy board which you turn until the light comes on (or goes off I can't remember) which fine tunes it again.

STTNG also has them on the inlanes.

Yet another pita over complicated switch they started using. Ya just don't have these dramas on taxi and whirlwind :thumbs:
The other two in RS 1.) on teds mouth (registered hit when dower raised and teds mouth closed) and 2.) on reds mouth
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