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Anyone else NOT playing much currently?

I find the best cure for lack of mojo is just to switch them all on and walk around them. Gaze at them. Touch them. Lick them if you must.

If nothing happens then try again later. Pretty soon you'll get an itch, and once you give in to it the mojo will flow.

Or not.
I played one game of Tron at the weekend, got a utterly crap score of about 9m or something then turned it off. That was the only game I'd played in perhaps a month?

My TAF - the pin I had always lusted after - has pretty much been out of action since I got it at the start of November. I think I've played a total of about 6 games on it since getting it. I've got Comet LEDs, Titan glowy silicone rings and OCD boards to go in it once I get the bits back from the powder coaters. Am finding that I'm getting more pleasure from tinkering with them than playing them, which makes no sense at all.

Doesn't help that I have very little free time at the moment, even at the weekends. :(
Nor have i. And i am even toying with the idea of starting to sell as i soon will need the money.
I only play on a Thursday now as all my games are either at the club, on site or folded awaiting refurbishment. Still, Thursdays at the club are pretty epic!

Also, this week Spooky makes a long awaited return and I can't wait to start playing it!
Just haven't been out there, my games are kept in a small garage which despite being part of the house is now utterly freezing this time of year. Generally I try to keep the games covered but don't go out to play. Probably haven't turned any on for 3 or 4 weeks now.
Similar here. I’ve been playing but not interested at the mo. Stern Iron Maiden is tempting me as is JJP Pirates but 2 top titles would have to go to fund it. And the thought of selling anything gives me palpitations
The Christmas tree has stopped play for me, it was bought already bagged up and it’s about twice as wide as I thought it would be.

Looks like Dirty Harry will just have to wait for twelfth night..... :rolleyes:

And I can’t! Just enjoy it, my machines are in the office save for Woz.

Left hand only games count :)
man up soldier, drop your c***s and get your socks, chuck that tree in the bin, turn on those games and start playing, Alright sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the core. A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet, every paycheck a fortune, every formation a parade...I LOVE the Corps! I love pinball!
I've been horribly busy, feet have barely touched the floor, get the odd blast here and there but looking forward to things hopefully quieting down a bit after Christmas. Real life getting in the way of pinball is unacceptable
I'm the same fell out of love with pinball for the last few months arcade games are getting all my attention just now which I'm really enjoying but as with pinball they take up a lot of room and they are not as cheap as they use to be but a lot cheaper than pinball machines so its keeping the other half happy.
The other thing ( apart from changing machines ) that boosts how much I play is getting to events, shows, leagues meets etc. I'm always keener than ever after a pinball event.
I’ve never played all that frequently, but just now and again - that seems to be the right balance for me.

Sometimes 1 machine will get 10 games in 1 night, then nothing for 3months. I own my games because i like having that option, should the opportunity arise.
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I try and make time on a Sunday to get a few games in on Sopranos, Sunday is my only day off from work, so try and get family time and Pin time
I've not played at home for a while, but every weekend in December has been pinball.
Monster meet @ flipout
Christmas Cracker @ Terry's
Festive Pinball Gathering @ SWL
December 2 remember @ Domino Arcade on the 30th.

NOTHING this weekend tho. So I'll probably play at home this weekend.:thumbs:
Not touched mine since the Cracker not even been it the games rooms

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Maybe this explains the current lull in pin sales.

I average about an hour a day and try and get a game in whenever I get chance :thumbs:

I also switch my lineup around about once a month, swapping pins in and out of storage to keep it fresh.
I get the odd game in most days unless I'm deep into something on the Switch or PS4 at which point the pinball takes a backseat :)
I didn't play that much in November apart from the odd game of Tron or TNA - RDR2 was monopolizing my free time! Collected a new machine earlier this month and started playing more again only to drop something very heavy on my right food and now struggling to stand for that long. Sure I'll be playing a load over Christmas though.
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