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Any thoughts on external subwoofers?


Site Supporter
10 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Yelverton, Devon
John Gardiner
There were several posts on pinside a few years ago suggesting these were a great addition. They favoured a POLK active subwoofer, now not available.

There has been some discussion on here too, but not recently and not making any particular recommendations.

I gather that the important thing is that the subwoofer has a high level / high impedance input which can be crocodile-clipped directly onto the pin's subwoofer terminals without significantly altering the load on the sound card.

And, most importantly, without making any alteration to the pin whatsoever.

Anybody on here into this mod?
Got one connected to my Tron and it’s awesome. Cambridge Audio sub that I got from Richer Sounds
The cambridge sub is basic sub, but is more than good enough for pins - I have one now as my superb Tannoy TS10 (£600) sub blew up after 9 years of faithful service. £150-£200 to repair, so just bought the cambridge for less than that. But boy do I miss the old fella.
Think I have 7 subs, 6 cheap <£100 subs on pins and a huge BK Monolith in my living room. A cheap one is good enough for pinball, even ACDC with it's 10" cabinet woofer sounds crap compared with a £30 2nd hand sony sub off ebay.
Has anyone built a cabinet for the sub in the cabinet? A small sealed cabinet or maybe even ported, might make a big difference. Don’t think those speakers work their best in free air.
Have got a Flipper Fidelity kit in my Tron and I can't imagine why I would need more bass than it already has. The only benefit I can imagine is that if it's external it's not shaking the glass (and everything else), or if you could share the sub with another pin, or several.

I mean just how loud do you need it to be whilst playing? The sub I've got vibrates the machine and the floor.
You can’t beat a sub that gives you that low end kick, once you’ve heard/felt it nothing else will do. External sub under cab probably the only way to do it without shaking and getting vibrations from machine. Got a Mordaunt Short sub with high level inputs laying about somewhere so will have to give it a go.
I am a bass junky though.
Fair enough. I would say that at least on WPC89 the machine powered sub benefit is negligible as the sound board amp is crapola. I was actually a bit disappointed at how poor it is compared to Tron, which has a real kick.

Probably helps the the music and SFX on Tron is soooo good.
Has anyone built a cabinet for the sub in the cabinet? A small sealed cabinet or maybe even ported, might make a big difference. Don’t think those speakers work their best in free air.

TNA features a ‘bass box’ by design.

Otherwise I use a Mission M2s and 2x Tannoy MTS subs. 1 sub does 2 games. Game 1 goes to the left (+ & -) hi-level input, the other to the right.
Suppose a 1/4” jack socket like a headphone connection would work, would cut off internal sub.
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