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Another Video Project - Don't Touch The Door

Sam C

Site Supporter
Feb 8, 2012
Kettering, UK
So I'm now finished up with college course in media, some of you may remember a year or so ago I put together a short documentary on Pinball in the UK called "Add-A-Ball". I haven't had much opportunity to work Pinball into a lot of the remaining projects because of constraints (like they are group topics or the topic is pre-chosen) but for my final one I was given free reign on what to do, the only constraint being it had to a monologue piece, and between 5 to 10 minutes long. So yet again I tried my best to work Pinball into it, so I present 'Don't Touch The Door':

I'm sure the keen eye'd ones will see this does not work exactly like a game will play out on TZ getting to LITZ, but I had to make it watchable for non-pinheads as well. Overall I think it came out fairly well and I managed to keep it about 90% to the 4 script revisions I did over the course of planning this, the idea that it is an internal monologue of a player getting to LITZ on the game. This is about 3 months worth of planning, shooting and editing condensed into 5 minutes!

I'd be keen to hear feedback and what you guys think - if you like this have a look at my channel, not everything I do has this sort of production value but I'm trying to do more pinball vids, little reviews of mods and such.

Anyhow thanks for watching.
I've done a bit of amateur filming in the past and I appreciate the work that went into this. Well done sir! Nice show of the colour DMD too. The 'even better if?' - some freeze frame of ball making a hit then quick cut to different angle. But hell, great job

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