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All B/W tables to be removed for purchase from TPA after 30th June

Carl Spiby

Feb 24, 2013
Kendal, Cumbria
Planetary declined to renew the licenses for the Bally Williams tables on The Pinball Arcade so they are going to have to withdraw them from sale.

Kind of ironic really.
Crazy, just crazy.

There's loads of the Bally Williams tables that i'd love to play on the iPad, but having just checked i'd need to buy three full seasons at almost £30 each. I think a £90 outlay is pretty steep right now.

Shame. I don't know what Planetary thinks this will achieve. I can't see there being many other companys who would be willing to invest the time and effort needed to makea a suitable alternative to Pinball Arcade and it's not likely to help them shift more pins or spares either.
Dont worry ,
you can get them on PC for free and I wouldn't feel anyway guilty after the 30th of June since its not possible to buy them!
If this is down to Planetary's jealous protection of their acquired Bally Williams rights then it's bizarre.

TPA help spread the pinball habit - many people get back into real pinball after playing a decent sim on their PC. That's a good thing for Planetary.

People aren't going to rush out and buy a vintage pin just because they can't play it on a PC, it's the other way round.
I tend to agree. I pretty much bought TZ on the strength of playing it on Pinball Arcade (and the fact it was rated #1 on IPDB). I hadn't played it in the flesh prior to owning it.

I guess this is a bit unconventional, but in this instance PA definitely led to a direct purchase.
I have season 1 on my phone that I play to death in the train. Any must haves I should pick up before they are removed ? I have played the trial for quite a few already but I feel it takes some time for me to appreciate each game. Wasn' keen on afm when i first tried it now it's my favourite.
Dont worry ,
you can get them on PC for free and I wouldn't feel anyway guilty after the 30th of June since its not possible to buy them!
Fair point but I much prefer to play on the iPad when travelling away from home. Maybe it's time to jailbreak again.
Fair point but I much prefer to play on the iPad when travelling away from home. Maybe it's time to jailbreak again.

You know if you have already bought them that you can keep them ?
id also like to think you can transfer them onto a new ipad as you upgrade etc (its only new purchases that wont be allowed after the end of June)
Am I the only one who finds it hard to feel sorry for the pinball arcade guys?

I really disliked the way they still relied on Kickstarter rather than risking their own cash

Always thought the tables were relatively expensive. The ball movement always made me feel a bit nauseous

Bought the first couple of seasons but haven’t even started the program for years
rumour is it that Scientific (WMS) have sold it to someone else for more moulahs!
This is a little upsetting to me, as Pinball Arcade has allowed me to play games that I cannot afford, in the comfort of my own home and fills a fix for me for wider pinball games.

If the rumour that @Neil McRae mentions is true, the only people who will loose out of this will be us, the price needs to be pushed somewhere.
I may buy some of the Bally/Williams tables before 30th June.

However, here’s my worry:

Farsight say that they will continue to provide support for the tables. And they may well have best intentions of doing so. But I wonder if they will be able to continue at all past the the short term.

Losing such a huge percentage of the tables has got to have a really bad effect on their business. It must make a huge change to their future revenue potential.

And marking time won’t be enough. There can be significant effort and reengineering required when the vendors of the various platforms make changes as their platforms continue to evolve.

Having seen some of the long-running posts about the still unresolved “intermittently unresponsive left flipper issue” I don’t have a lot of confidence in Farsight’s abilities even when they do have their full revenue stream.

Buying all the B/W tables now and still playing them in a couple of years time isn’t a “sure thing” in my world. I hope I’m wrong. :)

The ROMs should still be the same, they will need to update the emulator to move with the tech.

Shouldn’t be a major worry

Totally understand the architectural distinction and agree Ian. My worry is that the impact to their business could mean that they can’t afford to keep te emulator, front-end and any other common components up to date.

I have to wonder now if there's going to be a gap in the app market for a new pinball product with a better physics engine, that can provide fresh, new and realistic games on a regular basis that are up to the standard of the Bally/Williams classics, rather than the flashy but dull license-by-numbers stuff that Zen puts out, which is all surface polish and lacks any real gameplay pizazz or pace.

I'd be well up for exploiting that if the market's there - get some games out, see if they find an audience, have them become candidates for producing a real machine if they do.
Oh no, this is bad news for me. I've got Pinball Arcade on my old 3rd gen ipad and I love it to bits. It has allowed me to see and play on tables for the first time which I'd otherwise have never seen. It works fab on the ipad and I've even drawn up a list of tables I want to buy in real life should I ever come into some money :)

I've fallen for Tales of the Arabian nights, Star Trek TNG and a whole bunch of other tables, buying 1 every other month - damnit :( At least I get to keep them, but I worry if my ipad dies that I might be stuffed.

Question: Is there a way to buy adams family table (or any other free game of the month tables) ?

I've tried all options and it just takes me to the game to play, rather than popping up the normal buy table, buy table pack etc options. It will let me buy other tables but any free table of the month, I get no options to buy. I'm worried I've missed my chance to get Adams Family and the other now-free ones forever now.

I reckon I could buy the season pack to get it, but I cant afford that atm. Does anyone know of a menu or finger combination to get the menu give me the option to buy just that table from the app?


Hi Johnny,

To buy TAF just search for it in the App Store - it appears separately at £4.99. I had exactly the same question and had gone through all options in the app too :)

Don’t worry if your iPad dies. The purchased tables are associated with your iTunes account - not your device.

Hi Johnny,

To buy TAF just search for it in the App Store - it appears separately at £4.99. I had exactly the same question and had gone through all options in the app too :)

Don’t worry if your iPad dies. The purchased tables are associated with your iTunes account - not your device.


Oh that's great, thank you so much Cloudburst :) I had even tried searching the apps store but gave up after a bit of scrolling - seemed that I just needed to keep scrolling until I found it. Phew!

I've picked it up now, and can stop worrying - thanks again friend you've made my day!


that reminds me, i must see if i can reinstate mame on my ipad, I 'bought' it when it was available briefly on the app store a few years ago..
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