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Alien rising from the ashes?

Big Phil

Site Supporter
Nov 24, 2011
County Durham
Rumour mill has had a meltdown suggesting Chicago Gaming Company has been contracted by Pinball Bros to manufacture Alien.
So are they going to honour the previous companies commitments? If not, thats just plain ****.
Seems very unlikely.

Massive licensing issues, and what would they actually do with it? Just remanufacture it "as is" or try and put their own stamp on it?

Why would they bother when they have a well established business model of remaking the classic stuff?
I see literally 0.1% chance of this happening, why risk what is a proven business model...

Is the juice really worth the squeeze?
I only played alien a couple of times, but it had the chance to be the best new release in years

What a theme. The potential for amazing sounds, callouts, artwork .....
@DRD what did you think though?

I actually think Alien is a VERY VERY good game...
I really enjoyed playing it. The sounds alone were hugely evocative. Looked like a winner to me. But there was a huge queue for it at arcade club a couple of years back.

BOP2 was there as well. It looked grossly outclassed by Alien.

I simply did not have enough games on it to know.

For all the negative comments about the Heighwayman, Alien was probably the best pinball theme in many, many years.
Alien is awesome. Music, sounds and lightshow are amazingly immersive. Gameplay is great, very unique. Modes are great. A totally unique feel to the game.

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Alien is awesome. Music, sounds and lightshow are amazingly immersive. Gameplay is great, very unique. Modes are great. A totally unique feel to the game.

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
Totally agree
The first couple of times I played alien I loved it. Lots of features and an interesting layout

As time has gone by I got increasingly frustrated at how dark the playfield was and how hard it was to see the ball.

It was/is a game with great potential but did it ever fully work? Did the tongue grabber get fixed in later code revisions?
You could always get a headlamp, but I always think that the designers choose how dark a game should be, lights shouldn't cost that much and that is how it is supposed to be played - Alien is the pianissimo to pinstadiums fortissimo :p
Just been playing my alien le tonight and I must say the game play is amazing for an average player like me it’s got everything the modes are challenging but do able shots a are great sound music and video out of this world it would say if you play it in the dark yes the playfield lightening is poor but fine in the light only issues I have had so far 2 targets to adjust a poor connection on the servo motor board and a connector come of a target
On a negative the cab concept is shocking you have to be Popeyes uncle to lift the glass off and the build quality is poor the lock for the xenomorph work most of the time
I enjoyed Alien when I played. Great sounds and lighting, the Xeno at the back was working fine when I used it. There were already some broken parts though particularly noticeable was the facehuggers. I got the impression that corners were cut elsewhere in the build too. A shame what happened. It had a lot of potential.
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