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Airbrushing Cabinet

When you say you've done quite a bit of spraying... is it you thats been leaving your tags around town? :D :thumbs:

looks good so far
Well Davey i had to start somewhere ;)
Excellent work. You might want to consider getting some frisket for the finer work. :thumbs:
The only thing with the frisket is you're putting a knife to the cabinet. I'm pretty careful with the flexible tape. If i have any problems i will give the frisket a go. All good upto now though :thumbs:
Looks great!

I've used Frisket in the past, and had decent results. It cuts very easily with a light touch (no cabinet marks). You can also make very precise cuts for fiddly bits. Tape might be better in your case though where you have lots of straight edges

Not knocking what you've done there at all though. Looks great so far!

That getaway cabinet looks amazing! Always fancied a go at air brushing!

Hard to do?

Not really. All about the preparation and building up the paint in thin layers. Had to lightly rub it down with some 800 grade wet and dry paper to give it something to stick to. Will be finishing off that side in the next few days. Will post my results:thumbs:
Nice one! Love to see the finished results! Making me want to have a go on my Getaway which has a faided cab! :D cheaper than buying new decals!

Looking good. I painted a dr who by hand but am going to spray a Congo now that I've had some air brush classes.
Definitely worth spending the money on getting a good compressor. Tried to do it with compressed air cans and i ended up buying the compressor. Getting a really lovely finish now i can regulate the air
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