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Airbnb Experiences


Site Supporter
10 Years
Mar 23, 2014
Having recently booked an Airbnb room for a friends 50th birthday I attended, I came across the Airbnb Experiences section of their website.

These are 'things' to do with a local guide, like street art tours, city or country walks, a barge trip on a canal, doing pottery etc.

This got me thinking about doing a pinball experience so I contacted Airbnb and to my surprise they were very interested, before I knew it they had a photographer round and I was invited to Airbnb office in London with other folks proposing experiences, no hard sell just meeting the hosts, examining your idea and offering advice.

Long story short, my pinball experience has gone live, albeit with just a few photos as the video is still being worked on.
Whilst I don't expect anyone on this site to book in at the cost advertised on Airbnb, as you are all more than welcome to come to league meets and just arrange a mutually convenient time to come and play for free.

I just thought I'd let the community know about my 'experiment', you never know you may want to offer something similar.
Of course I will keep all informed as to how it goes.
Airbnb keep 20%! They do include insurance for that amount though.

NIce job! :thumbs:

Have used Airbnb a few times for places to stay but never knew about the experiences part of it, shall look into it soon
Epic indeed. I may have to book us in as you are not so far away and it would be nice to get the 'wife' playing a machine that works. Hmm
I stayed in one in Exeter for a stag doo which was pretty good. But was right in the centre of the city opposite clubs which is a plus but not so good when trying to sleep and there are drunks singing outside
Looks really good Julian! Would love to learn tips on maintaining, cleaning, repairing, and making modifications at the end of the course.
We hosted the first Airbnb pinball wizard experience on Saturday 16th September 2017.

It went very well with eight attendees, after a short introduction into the history of Pinball the group moved on to playing the machines.
During which everyone was given 1-to-1 playing advice and suggestions, with demonstrations of various catches and shots.

After around two hours of playing we broke for lunch ,during which we delved into the inner workings of the machines and what it takes to maintain them.

From there we discussed ownership of machines, the best places to purchase them from, the on-line communities and the perils of eBay.

We concluded the day with some more play and a three-game pinball tournament.

Winner: Nayla
Runner-up: Chryssa
Third: Tim

The winner 'Nayla' was given a pinball themed t-shirt and is offered a free place back to the pinball shed for the Airbnb Pinball final next summer.

Our next experience is on October 7th 2017.

Wow. How cool is that! Julian, missed your last meet so maybe I'll book a slot myself ;)

Well done Sir and love the English clotted cream and scones!
This sounds amazing I’m sure to book on

Is there a list of the pinballs available?
What a great Airbnb pinball experience today, met so lovely folks, all love pinball but none knew where to play it. So been getting the love out there.
I have pointed them to the UK Pinball League, London Pinball League, the new Flip Out London Pinball Club as well as Brew Dog, Four Quarters, Tilt, amongst others. The forums and

Today we had 8 attendees, once again at the end of the day we choose three machines at random to play in a mini tournament, games used were;

Theatre of Magic
Safe Cracker

For added fun those that won a magic token during the regular game-play could either keep it, play it or in the tournament cash it in for another game on one of the three machines being used to try and improve their score.

There were two tokens won, one by Sarah, who chose to cash it in and play Metallica again the other won by Daniel who chose to keep it as a memento.

First place went to Brendan, he won the super pinball t-shirt and a free place next years Airbnb pinball championship.

Second place went to Daniel.

Third went to Nick.

Its fun to host as the folks that have been coming are really passionate about playing pinball but just don't know where to play.
We had our third Airbnb Pinball Wizard Experience on Saturday 28th October 2017.
Numbers were half of the time before at four attendees, two of which are fellow pinball collectors Mark & Dave.
Nevertheless, we had a great day with American style lunch of hotdogs, fries, popcorn and beers.

The machines randomly selected for the days mini tournament were;

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Nobody had won a Safe Cracker magic token as such there were no ‘buy-another-go’ token exchanges, however as we did have two experienced pinball players we gave the other two guests a second chance on the three machines to better their score.
Our winner was Dave, as such he will return for the finals in 2018.
Second place went to Mark.
Whilst third went to John.

Well done and thanks to everyone for booking, I hope you all had a great day, and hope to see you during next years London & UK pinball league meets.

The next Airbnb event is this Saturday;

Then on the 9th December.
Only just seen this thread!

Was a great day Julian thanks.

The information pack you put together about the history of pinball was great, and the tips/playing methods were also great.

Very nice lunch, thanks. Games all great and playing well. Was good to get s game or 10 in on HOBBIT as I let mine go before I got it!

Felt bad about winning the comp, as the other 2 guys were not pinheads. Felt good about beating Mark tho!
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