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Addams Family is in the house


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
Since The Shadow departed last Friday there's been a pin shaped space in my kitchen just waiting to be filled and after another pinball road trip today, TAF is in the house :smokin:

Thanks to Dean for sorting me out with this one, good to see you today mate. I'll put some pics up later on.
For looks and playability its a hard one to beat. And like Grizz has already said it started all this 90's pinball Thing.
Did you like how I got that pun in .?
Enjoy, I am sure you will. (lots)
It is my favourite machine so far, I keep coming back to it and enjoy the call outs after over a year of bashing this machine. Yours is a nice one too from what I remember of it when it was Moosemans.

So I have a Creature you have Dracula, other than that, our collections are very similar.
Yours must be too easy if you have done it that quick.
Or you are much better than me, I think this is more likely. :)
Sounds like you need to crank it up and open those out lanes to the max.
Congrats on the Mansion Tour.
Dirty Pool Old Man.
I was thinking maybe it's set too easy but I've got the pf cranked to 7 degrees and there's not much further I can go with the leg levellers. Outlanes are set to the middle and all game settings at factory.....perhaps I need to mess with those. I toured the mansion again this evening and ended up with 434M but then I have games where it batters me and I get 20 - 30 million. I have put new red flipper rubbers on which has made it a lot more bouncy but I'll play with the lanes, settings and get the last few turns on the legs and see what that does :thumb:
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