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Nov 5, 2015
Sadly having to list my pins as i cant store them all with having problems with my gamesroom 😞
Not long bought this from steve on here
I have started cleaning up some of the tarnished posts etc fitted new rubbers to the slings and flippers.
Fitted Led tube to backbox
Brand new pinsound shaker motor fitted
Cols plastic protectors (not fitted)
Luci plastics for the speakers have brackets also for led strip to be fitted..
A couple of bulb sockets may need attention and some plastics
If you are intrested i can let you know everything its a great pin and the pf looks great
Needs collecting asap from L21 as i cant store it sadly



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Its an absolute nightmare the ground water in all the back gardens has been rising so much its getting in my gamesroom .. i have had 2 dehumidifiers running they are filling constantly and its staying at 96% parents have agreed to store 2 in the house and im having to strip the kitchen table in mine down so i can get the other 2 folded in my kitchen.. never had this problem before but have noticed the past couple of years the rainwater seems to sit on the grass for days... I will have to move a few of the machines on i really dont want to but gives me a bit more time 😖

Pic from last month its everywhere now
Has there been any new homes built nearby or anything like that, or been onto the water company if its only started happening recently and effecting everyone on the street?

Seems crazy that there wasnt an issue a few years ago but there is now.
They did build houses probably 10 years ago and the fella next door said he had noticed the gardens getting worse.. behind the parents its a huge open park to the left is the new houses.. also about a year ago the main water main pipe on the main road infront of the houses burst and that caused more problems 😔

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Ah man that sucks, the last couple of winters have been terrible here, almost like the very dry summer we had back in 2022 caused the ground to compact and now the water takes an age to drain.

Ended up digging a trench last year as the garden slopes away from the house and drive, gardens like a swamp now but at least I can get in the car without needing wellies.
They did build houses probably 10 years ago and the fella next door said he had noticed the gardens getting worse.. behind the parents it a huge open park to the left is the new houses.. also about a year ago the main water main pipe on the main road infront of the houses burst and that caused more problems 😔

Damn, burst water main would be a hell of a lotta water for the surrounding areas to absorb.
Ah man that sucks, the last couple of winters have been terrible here, almost like the very dry summer we had back in 2022 caused the ground to compact and now the water takes an age to drain.

Ended up digging a trench last year as the garden slopes away from the house and drive, gardens like a swamp now but at least I can get in the car without needing wellies.

We was going to do the same behind the building try dig a trench out but at the moment its just too messy.
The walls are sealed on the outside but its soaking in and travelling up the walls and under the floor would hate to see under it now.. i actually feel like knocking the thing down
We was going to do the same behind the building try dig a trench out but at the moment its just too messy.
The walls are sealed on the outside but its soaking in and travelling up the walls and under the floor would hate to see under it now.. i actually feel like knocking the thing down

Give it a couple of weeks for the new dehumidifier to start to draw the moisture from the building, once its lowered a bit it should be easier to keep on top of.
Also does your guttering have anywhere to go once the water butts filled up? Could maybe route that down the drain or wherever the guttering from the house leads to, away from the property.
Give it a couple of weeks for the new dehumidifier to start to draw the moisture from the building, once its lowered a bit it should be easier to keep on top of.
Also does your guttering have anywhere to go once the water butts filled up? Could maybe route that down the drain or wherever the guttering from the house leads to, away from the property.

Yeah going to leave them on still.. yeah theres a overflow pipe that we run round to the back fence onto the park 🤣
Still sadly struggling for space and its causing problems.
If anyone is intrested and can collect ASAP please get in touch (no offers sorry)
I know I'm a bit far away from you but I have a big £1500 dehumidifier sitting here doing nothing if you need to borrow it for a few months. It was used with my swimming pool room so its industrial strength and if it can deal with keeping moisture out a room with 8000 gallons of water then it might help you dry that games room. And if theres pins you want to store here for a few months then you're welcome to do that too.
As a temporary measure. rather than selling on a game you want ( and presumably havn't had a lot of playtime on) could you rent it out to a known member?
Cheers for the offers guys i really do appreciate it will see what happens in a few days.. it would be easier and less messing at the moment if i can get a few gone.. I only have 4 pins and if i can keep one im happy.. i also have couple of arcade cabs and a twin f355 (no way im getting that out ) im going to remove all the boards from that and store them inside
Looks like you have water butt in the LH side.it's not coming from it overflowing and dumping water in that corner?
Looks like you have water butt in the LH side.it's not coming from it overflowing and dumping water in that corner?

No theres 4 around the garden and they have been getting emptied all the time
Im looking up online for automatic water pumps see if theres something i can use to keep draining the ground water.. I feel terrible as this is at the parents and they have been trying their best while im at work😔
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No theres 4 around the garden and they have been getting emptied all the time
Im looking up online for automatic water pumps see if theres something i can use to keep draining the ground water.. I feel terrible as this is at the parents and they have been trying their best while im at work😔
Sorry to hear that. Hope you find a solution.
We was going to do the same behind the building try dig a trench out but at the moment its just too messy.
The walls are sealed on the outside but its soaking in and travelling up the walls and under the floor would hate to see under it now.. i actually feel like knocking the thing down
When you say 'travelling up the walls' do you mean travelling up as far as the damp-proof course in the brickwork and still getting in under the floor? The purpose of the damp-proof course is to prevent the exact symptom you have. My lawn can get almost as damp as the puddle in your pics after really heavy continual rain, but I don't have an issue with water ingress into the house - the damp proof course prevents that.

Apologies if you know all about damp proof courses and have had this checked out already, I'm not wanting to patronise you, but if water is rising up unhindered through multiple layers of bricks, that would suggest there might be no damp proof layer (very old property) in the brickwork, or the one that is there is inadequate or has failed in some way. Chemical based damp-proof courses can be retrofitted if needed (injected into the brickwork).

Edit: Either that, or there is a leak from above somewhere which is causing falling water to then splash upwards on to the wall above the damp-proof layer - blocked or damaged guttering is a common cause to check for, and the amount of water falling from it does not have to be torrential to start causing issues.
When you say 'travelling up the walls' do you mean travelling up as far as the damp-proof course in the brickwork and still getting in under the floor? The purpose of the damp-proof course is to prevent the exact symptom you have. My lawn can get almost as damp as the puddle in your pics after really heavy continual rain, but I don't have an issue with water ingress into the house - the damp proof course prevents that.

Apologies if you know all about damp proof courses and have had this checked out already, I'm not wanting to patronise you, but if water is rising up unhindered through multiple layers of bricks, that would suggest there might be no damp proof layer (very old property) in the brickwork, or the one that is there is inadequate or has failed in some way. Chemical based damp-proof courses can be retrofitted if needed (injected into the brickwork).

Edit: Either that, or there is a leak from above somewhere which is causing falling water to then splash upwards on to the wall above the damp-proof layer - blocked or damaged guttering is a common cause to check for, and the amount of water falling from it does not have to be torrential to start causing issues.

I think its a wooden structure and not brick, and its soaking up the walls as the water level has gone high enough to reach the wooden base and its seeping upwards.

If its effecting everyone around you I dont think a trench will make much difference as if you dig a hole for the water and try and pump it out it will just fill/level off from your neighbours floods again.
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I think its a wooden structure and not brick, and its soaking up the walls as the water level has gone high enough to reach the wooden base and its seeping upwards.

If its effecting everyone around you I dont think a trench will make much difference as if you dig a hole for the water and try and pump it out it will just fill/level off from your neighbours floods again.
Ah yes, I see now, I thought that was just a picture of the damp lawn with a shed on it to show the flooding, rather than putting two and two together and realising that the shed was the gamesroom. That's a much more tricky problem :confused:
The building is concrete block thats coated with a sealer its been there now for 10 years there is a damp course but the water has literally been sitting against the block and soaked through and has actually gone higher than the damp proof.. that picture was from november (only pic i had on the phone) so the water has somehow started soaking up inside the blocks hope it makes sense
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Ah yes, I see now, I thought that was just a picture of the damp lawn with a shed on it to show the flooding, rather than putting two and two together and realising that the shed was the gamesroom. That's a much more tricky problem :confused:

I stand corrected, its block so you might be more correct than I was.
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The building is concrete block thats coated with a sealer its been there now for 10 years there is a damp course but the water has literally been sitting against the block and soaked through and has actually gone higher than the damp proof.. that picture was from november (only pic i had on the phone) so the water has somehow started soaking up inside the blocks hope it makes sense
Yeah, that all makes sense :thumbs:

In your shoes, I'd get a specialist damp-proof course retrofitting company around asap to have a look and if possible to quote for remedial work. Getting a quote won't cost you anything, and bearing in mind how you've described it, to me it still sounds like the damp-proof course is the issue here.
I had a surface water issue at my last house, my solution was to dig a few holes in which I buried some plastic drums with lots of holes drilled in the sides, back filling between the drums and holes with pea gravel. The drums were about 50L each, a hose about 1” ID went from each drum to the main drain. Within about a week or two we never had an issue again, my neighbours each side also thanked me as their gardens were also then dry.

Yeah going to leave them on still.. yeah theres a overflow pipe that we run round to the back fence onto the park 🤣
Unfortuanetly that water will just be going back into the water table and basically keeping you garden wet. You would be better running a pipe to a drain or even the sewers so it flows away far from your property to lower the water table rather than keep topping it up.

edit to add:

what taz has done above sounds like what you need to be doing, just make sure the end of the hose is not easily blocked so water can flow out. Maybe talk to your neighbours and all chip in and get it sorted as it sounds like it’s effecting all around you and probably best to spread the cost rather than you footing the bill to help all.

getting a pro in and doing it right probably won’t be cheap, you can do it yourself obviously but at
least spreading the cost of materials is in order I’d say
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Yeah sounds like a great idea chris.. been looking up so many different ideas.. the good thing is the rooms basically empty of machines besides the f355 shell.
Dad was speaking to the neighbours today and they are all getting on the phone to see if something can be done.. As for the work i dont mind doing it but waiting now until new year.
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