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Acdc left flipper


Site Supporter
10 Years
Feb 10, 2012
My acdc has started to play up. During a game sometimes when the legt flipper activated or sometimes when the ball held on the left the game ends play for that ball or person. Its like a 5v reset on bally williams except the game doesnt reset it just ends play of that ball. Adds up the score and moves onto next ball or player. Bloody annoying when your having a good game. I guess something may be breaking down.
Anyone had a similar prob on a modern stern?
Not that it is much help but I distinctly remember this happening during a Tournament at The Pipeline on the ACDC there and it prompted a game restart. Same thing, someone was holding the ball on one of the flippers and suddenly it just came to end, added up the scores and moved on to the next player. Not much help I know but at least you can rest a bit easier knowing it is not only you!
I think the flipper thing is maybe a coincidence. I had a similar problem on my AC/DC when the ball would register a drain half way through a game. It's possible this might always have happened to me just after I flipped with the left flipper though.

Apparently it's an issue with oxidisation on the connectors in the trough. If you clean these it should hopefully stop. I know Andy N asked and he found this was the solution for me.

Cheers john ive noticed since posting that sometimes a ball drains and the game doesnt end so maybe it is the trough switch playing up. At least it is a switch and not an opto
It's normally the trough opto (single) boards. Re-flow the solder on the pins and bend the two pins so that the connector is tight - do this to both sides
Could you confirm its the opto by popping it in switch edge service mode then flipping the flippers to see if they flicker on the diagnostic?
This seems to be common on new Sterns.
There was a BBH on site in Southport about a year ago - had the same fault.
There was a Pinball Heaven Star Trek on site in Southport just a couple of weeks ago - had the same fault.
You expect better from new Pins!
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