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This is playing up on mine, which is a fairly common fault as the opto wiring gets pinched and damaged, particularly on the left side. I have managed to get the plastic off (with great difficulty) and have removed the 2 screws holding it in place, but how the hell am I supposed to get it out of its metal coffin, and then how the hell would I get it back in. I have tried unscrewing various things under the pf, and the flat screw you can see. Many thanks!
This is playing up on mine, which is a fairly common fault as the opto wiring gets pinched and damaged, particularly on the left side. I have managed to get the plastic off (with great difficulty) and have removed the 2 screws holding it in place, but how the hell am I supposed to get it out of its metal coffin, and then how the hell would I get it back in. I have tried unscrewing various things under the pf, and the flat screw you can see. Many thanks!