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AC/DC - the earth finally moved


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10 Years
Oct 7, 2012
Marlow on Thames, Bucks
Well I've had an AC/DC for a few months now, and found it unbelievably frustrating - drains down the sides, drains down the middle - and confusing - jam multiball, album multiball, what the hell do you have to do with this song and that song, games lasting two minutes, arrggggh want to chop the machine up in to firewood.

Yet something kept me coming back to it, ploughing throught the damn rules, figuring it all out.

And tonght it finally happened. It all clicked, one of those games where every shot you try you make, your brain is buzzing at 100 miles an hour taking in the game, figuring out what you have to do next, what shot you need to make, music pounding - you're at one with the machine: pingasm.

I was on the machine for about half an hour, and when the game finally finished I had to sit down and take a few deep breaths, slightly dizzy.

Finally, I get it. This machine is fantastic. I'm buzzing so much and my heart is beating so fast I have to let it all out here or I'll have to go and run around the block a few times. Sorry if this is incoherent, and thanks for listening.

To paraphrase Alex Ferguson: Pinball. Bloody hell.
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I still don't get it and might still warm my house with mine this winter :D

Billy Bob is the king of the pinorgasm attempt, notice though it does need a member of the opposite sex to give you any chance of a result.

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AC/DC might just be the best machine of all time....... it's a seriously good machine,

OK, it's a bit serious and the dancing band is frankly **** but it's such a great machine when you realise what you want to do. And the bell noise is fantastic

(basically I like it a lot:clap::clap::clap:)
I have never seen, never mind play an ACDC until this past weekend and totally agree, it's an absolutely amazing table. I'll be damned if I knew what I was doing although the normal strategy of 'shoot the blinky thing' (TM) was working quite well. Thanks to Chris B pointing out what you do with the fire button on a ball drain too :)

I've never been a huge fan of modern Sterns and found The Walking Dead underwhelming but ACDC was, to steal the phrase, pingasmic.
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