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Wanted a good first machine


Jul 30, 2016
Alright all...

Long time lurker, first time poster! I'm looking to take the plunge and buy my first pin. Mostly just putting feelers out for now, as obviously it's a pretty big financial commitment!

I currently have a few titles in mind: Creature (which I appreciate might be slightly out of budget for a first machine), Dracula, JP (mainly because all my pocket money went into one of these at the local Megabowl when I was a kid) or The X-Files (mostly for the theme, wouldn't pay big for that one). Mostly into the more horror-type themes, but would appreciate any advice on a good starter machine.

I've been having a look around some retail sites for a used machine, but the prices seem way out there (reconditioned Creature for not far off the price of a brand new Stern?! :-o). Anyway, let me know what you have!

Hi. Welcome

What is your budget pls? How many games are you looking to end up with ? Bigger collections can cope with weaker titles

We all started with one. After you get two, they tend to breed

No recon creech should be costing 5,000. I doubt a creech would fetch much more than 2,500 unless it is extremely special. Guys on here can give advice on prices.

Buy from here if you can. No ebay fees. Buying from a known enthusiast means the game should be well maintained by someone in this for love not scalping a few quid. Ebay is often russian roulette.

When you say "starter machine" are you asking for something technically simpler? I ask that because ALL games will have problems at some point, but some more than others, and the fixes vary in complexity.

I have been toying with selling my TZ, but I don't think that's a good starter game (although it was for me, and I learnt a lot!).

I still think Spiderman's a great game and more reliable than others. So it's my stock recommendation in this scenario. Doesn't meet your horror theme though.
I've been having a look around some retail sites for a used machine, but the prices seem way out there (reconditioned Creature for not far off the price of a brand new Stern)

Home Leisure Direct by any chance? Don't get your pins from there unless you are absolutely minted and don't care about losing thousands from its value when you come to move it on!

Buy from trusted people on here, theres always plenty for sale at any given time.

Good luck with your search
@MidnightOdyssey if you're not in a rush to get something then I'd suggest coming along to the Play Expo show in Manchester in October. You'll be able to play a load of different pins (should be over 100 at the show) and get an idea of the types of games you enjoy and where to spend your money. Plus they'll be loads of us there so you can ask questions, get advice etc :thumbs:
I've bought 2 from this site and wouldn't hesitate to recommend buying from a trusted seller on here rather than eBay. I was worried about buying without ever personally knowing the sellers, and sending the money without seeing the machine in person, but if you look at the amount of messages the seller posts and amount of Likes Received they have it should put your mind at rest if you can't check the machine out in person.
Your initial budget will really determine what a good starter game would be. If you are looking at £1k then the initial choices will be more limited. If you could stretch to 2k then there are lot more titles that might tick the boxes for you.

If possible play before you buy. X files is an acquired taste.

Any game will get boring after a while so don't stress too much about finding the ideal pin. Buy, play, enjoy (the most important bit) and then sell on and get a different one.

Whereabouts in London are you? You've just missed the SE League for this season but Matt's London League is about to start again. Always a good way of checking out different games.
I'd say go for a Hobbit ;-)

If your unsure of themes and playability play them on Pinball Arcade or on your phone. There are very few duff Bally/William machines however this can't be said for Stern.

Honestly for your first machine I'd say a BOP or a Funhouse. Simple games but highly addictive..
Regardless of what you buy it will have to be maintained. My first machine was a Twilight Zone and in retrospect I took on quite a steep learning curve as it is a very complicated machine.
Everyone is asking your budget - around £2000 will give you plenty of choice. As for horror themes - BSD is a good choice but it is not the easiest game to play.
I've not bought a machine from this list but my next machine will almost certainly come from here - I read nothing but good about the guys here, with one notable exception.
Beware EBay ! Saying that, you can always go and view then walk away - problem is that of you are a newb then you might not know the key (but simple) points to look for when viewing.

If no one has posted a guide to viewing a machine, they should ( a challenge to someone out there)

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My first was Theatre of Magic, then 10 years later my second was also ToM !!

I also have a Flintstones, bought from a member here, great fun machine at just over a grand... needed some TLC but playing nicely now
Whatever your budget/what you have available to spend will really dictate what machine/s you will be able to select your 'starter' one from
Horror , and camp horror (SS EATPM Class 1812) are brilliant themes. Have attempted to get all of them including 1971 Vampire EM and Zaccaria SPOOKY . Good bang for buck is Frankenstein although very predictably my favourite is Monster Bash. If your not Dot matrix obsessed EATPM is a blast
Hi, there's a nice Hook for sale on here at the moment. Would be an ideal first machine - not too complicated - wont break the bank! (Depends on your budget of course)
Black rose was the machine that got me into pinball
In honesty - play machines and see what you like
Some crap titles but fantastic machines that are a shock to play - Rocky n bull winkle is lovely but a theam I was not interested in but wouldn't think hard about owning if I could afford . World Cup 94 - again ace to play . Buy the best machine you can afford
Home Leisure Direct by any chance?


Sorry, a budget would have been excellent to throw in there... looking at 1.5-2k. I suspect this would be a stretch for a Creech. Don't mind doing a bit of maintenance, I build guitars in my spare time, so I'm reasonably handy with electronics, refinishing etc. I'm not in any massive rush as I'm about to move, so it's on the backburner for a bit, but once I'm in I'll be looking.

Thanks for the welcome and info!
Buy the one you played in the arcade the most - JP. It may not end up a keeper, but will bring back many happy memories, is in your budget and plenty were made. Plus it's a decent game with plenty to do
Whereabouts in London are you? You've just missed the SE League for this season but Matt's London League is about to start again. Always a good way of checking out different games.

just about to move in round the corner from Brewdog in the Bush... have to say, more by luck than judgement!
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