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5 pin molex splitter cable

Andy B

Site Supporter
Oct 6, 2014
Hull. England.
I am making a topper for my Big Lebowski pinball machine.

I've wired up 5 x 6.3vac LED spotlights in a chain.

I currently have the chain wired to a separate 5v PSU.

But I would prefer to wire it up to the machine itself so it switches on and off with the machine.

Only, there are no spare 5v connectors.

The machine has a Cooler Master 550 ATX PSU in it.

The only spare connectors on the cables coming out of the PSU are for 12v.

However, there are some female sockets on the PSU case which have 5v coming out from them, only all 3 of these sockets which are labelled "5P HDD/SATA", are currently occupied. I figured I would be able to put some kind of splitter in to one of these sockets (5 pin male to 2 x 5 pin female molex) but I can't for the life of me find such a cable - they're all 4 pin male to 2 x female.

Anyone know if such a splitter exists (5 pin male to 2 x 5 pin female molex)?

I know I could butcher the existing cable but I don't really want to mess about with the original cabling on this £9k machine and just piggy backing off these sockets with a splitter seems a neat way of doing it.




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oops. but i’m sure you’ll find 5 pin on ebay. or as poster above says just use a step down board to get 5v from 12v. i use those buck convertor boards in a lot of my projects, they are reliable and give a good steady 5v from a 7-35v source
Perfect. That’s the way to go then. Couple of free 12v connectors available.

Sorry guys. I found a 12v connector available, half of it being used, leaving 4 spare pins (2 ground, 2 x 12v), I want to tap in to that to feed the board but would prefer to connect using proper connector than hack it but when I search up 4 pin molex connectors I keep getting the single row ones, not the 2 x 2 one I need. See photos below. The pitch of the pins is also smaller on the connector I want than the standard single row ones (if that makes sense at all!).

Does this type of connector have a different name?

Removed the one that's already in there and photographed below.


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Andy sells 4 circuit square (2x2) Molex plugs in two common crimp sizes. Measure the pitch on that plug, 3.68mm uses .062" crimps, the larger 5.03mm (or 6.3mm) uses .093" crimps. You need the "socket"

Ref on molex site
Standard .062" https://www.molex.com/molex/products/family/standard_062?parentKey=wire_to_wire_connectors
Standard .093" https://www.molex.com/molex/products/family/standard_093?parentKey=wire_to_wire_connectors

Tbh, if you're not sure buy both sides with crimps and just redo it. :thumbs:
Andy sells 4 circuit square (2x2) Molex plugs in two common crimp sizes. Measure the pitch on that plug, 3.68mm uses .062" crimps, the larger 5.03mm (or 6.3mm) uses .093" crimps. You need the "socket"

Ref on molex site
Standard .062" https://www.molex.com/molex/products/family/standard_062?parentKey=wire_to_wire_connectors
Standard .093" https://www.molex.com/molex/products/family/standard_093?parentKey=wire_to_wire_connectors

Tbh, if you're not sure buy both sides with crimps and just redo it. :thumbs:
I think I have some crimps kicking around somewhere so I can just plug them in to the existing plug which has a couple of spare holes - yipee! Cheers.
Topper looked absolutely with 5 x 6.3vac spots - though the buck converter worked a treat converting the 12v to 6v so thanks for that recommendation.

I'm now going down the route of buying a colour changing LED strip, powered by USB - TBL has a PC Motherboard inside so I can just tap off that :)
However I also like the look of the LightedPinballMods hologram topper (https://lightedpinballmods.com/prod...big-lebowski-pinball-machine-hologram-topper/) anyone installed one of these on their machine (they do them for all kinds of machines not just TBL)? Would you recommend? It's a little on the expensive side, particularly when I'll have to factor in shipping to UK and associated customs charges.

I've seen a few different kinds of 3D Holographic Fans for a 1/3rd of the price of the LPM Topper - anyone used one of these?


Great minds think alike - was just looking at one of those but wondering if anyone else has used them so I could get a review/recomemendation.
Shameless punt - but have you seen my new Power and LED driver board. I created it for exactly this kind of requirement.

Checkout my demo video here

Be chuffed to bits if this were to help you
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